An Ayurveda daily routine, also known as Dinacharya
An Ayurveda daily routine, also known as Dinacharya, is a personalized schedule that incorporates practices to promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here's a general outline:
1. Wake-up time (Brahma Muhurta): 45-60 minutes before sunrise (around 5:30-6:30 am)
2. Morning routine:
- Wash face and mouth
- Brush teeth with herbal toothpaste
- Scrape tongue (Jihva Prakshalana)
- Gargle with warm water
- Drink a glass of warm water
3. Exercise (Vyayama):
- Yoga or stretching (30 minutes)
- Walking or light physical activity (30 minutes)
4. Bathing (Snana):
- Take a warm bath or shower
- Use herbal soap or body wash
- Massage body with oil (Abhyanga)
5. Meditation and relaxation (Dhyana and Avatara):
- Sit comfortably and meditate (15-30 minutes)
- Practice deep breathing (Pranayama)
- Relax and calm the mind
6. Breakfast (Ahara):
- Eat a balanced and nutritious meal
- Include foods suitable for your dosha (constitution)
7. Work and activities (Karma):
- Engage in productive work or activities
- Take regular breaks to stretch and relax
8. Lunch (Ahara):
- Eat a balanced and nutritious meal
- Include foods suitable for your dosha
9. Relaxation and rest (Vishrama):
- Take a short nap or rest (30 minutes)
- Practice relaxation techniques (e.g., deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation)
10. Evening routine:
- Engage in calming activities (e.g., reading, listening to music)
- Avoid stimulating activities and electronics
11. Dinner (Ahara):
- Eat a light and balanced meal
- Avoid heavy or rich foods
12. Before bed routine:
- Practice gentle stretches or yoga
- Meditate or relax (15-30 minutes)
- Drink a glass of warm milk or herbal tea
13. Bedtime (Sayana):
- Go to bed at a reasonable hour (around 10-11 pm)
- Ensure a comfortable sleeping environment
Remember, this is a general outline, and your specific routine should be tailored to your individual needs and dosha. Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional to create a personalized daily routine.