Surrender (Continued)
Lake Tahoe, California,
United States,
9th July, 1998
Chapter 2 - The Path To The Goal That Is You
Day 76 - Surrender (Continued)
Question - So everything that is happening is God’s will?
Gurudev - Yes, including the thought - this shouldn’t be happening. The main impediment for many seekers on the path is that they want to surrender. Do not say that you want to surrender. Just know that you already are surrendered.
Wanting to surrender becomes an impediment on the path. This is like a child saying to his mother, “I want to love you”. No child ever says this, love is self-evident. Surrender is not an act, it is a state of your being. Whether you acknowledge it or not, surrender is there.
The wise wake up and see this, the unwise take a longer time. Know that you have no choice, you are in a state of surrender deep within you. Some people say, .”Surrender and let God do everything”. Other say, “It’s my responsibility”. Devotees often say, “Let thy will be done, then take it easy getting to the goal.
We have to make this clear - Surrender is saying, “Let thy will be done,” and “thy will” is for you to take responsibility for the whole world. This may appear contradictory, but I tell you surrender and responsibility go hand in hand. The more you surrender, the more responsive you become.
One who is irresponsible cannot surrender. Why is someone irresponsible? They are lazy or fearful or both. If you are lazy or fearful, you cannot be surrendered in love. Total responsibility is total
surrender. It is a little hard to chew but this is the truth. Suppose you are surrendered to the Knowledge.
That means you are committed to sharing it with others, and you take responsibility to see that it flourishes. Responsibility is the dynamic expression of life in the present moment. When you take responsibility and you find blocks, remember surrender. When you get shaken, remember that the basis of responsibility is surrender.
This releases you from the weight of doership and gives you strength to move ahead. Surrendering and taking responsibility without doership is the skill of the wise. Total irresponsibility is impossible for you. Limited responsibility tires you and makes you weak. Unlimited responsibility empowers you and brings you joy. Set a time bound goal and give a direction to your life force.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji
Celebrating Silence