Sadhana (Continued)
Stockholm, Sweden,
13th August, 1997
Chapter 2 - The Path To The Goal That Is You
Day 80 - Sadhana (Continued)
Usually, the solar plexus is slightly bigger than an almond but with the practice of yoga, meditation and Sudarshan Kriya, the solar plexus can become as large as an apricot. Then it performs better and balances the bodily functions. When the solar plexus expands, the intuitive mind awakens and the mind becomes clear and focused.
When the solar plexus contracts, you feel miserable, sad, depressed, and all sorts of negative feelings come. When the first rays of the sun fall on the solar plexus, it is beneficial for your body. Doing Surya Namaskar yoga asana, sun salutation in the early morning is an excellent way to expand the solar plexus.
Krishna was called Padmanabha, which means “whose navel is the
size of a lotus flower”. If you become Padmanabha, you become absolutely creative. Brahma, the Creator, said to be born out of a blossomed solar plexus. These days, the solar plexus remains small, but the tummy keeps getting bigger.
If you are unable to meditate, if your mind is chattering too much and nothing works, just feel that you are a little stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep in. Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you are stuck in the intellect, you miss a lot. Happiness is when you transcend the intellect. In awe or in feeling stupid, you transcend the intellect. Have you noticed how mentally retarded people are more happy?
Question - How do you go beyond the intellect?
Gurudev Sri Sri - By acting stupid. Everyone avoids being stupid, no one wants to look dumb. That is really stupid. Stupidity should be followed by meditation, otherwise depression may follow. What is boredom? Just a repetition without interest or love that causes a monotonous state of mind and overshadows the self.
Spiritual practices are again a repetition whose purpose is to destroy the boredom and reunite you with the self. A practice itself creates boredom but as you continue, you penetrate the boredom and destroy it once and for all. Whether the practice gives you joy or boredom, it must be
continued. Only your practice your sadhana can overcome the mind.
The self is love and love is always repetitive. Love letters are simply repetitive but there is no boredom there. If you are bored with yourself just imagine how much more boring you are for others. Root out boredom in you through deep and continued meditation. Wake up and walk upwards.
Only a conscious, alert and dynamic person can get bored, a dull and inert person does not. If you get bored, it indicates you are more alive and human. It is a sign that you are growing, that you are evolving. An animal, for example, keeps doing the same thing. It never gets bored.
Cows, horses, birds do the same things over andover all their lives. People eat, watch television, change jobs, change partners to escape boredom. They become frustrated and this frustration takes them back to inertia and unconsciousness.
Only in two states does boredom not occur in a state of total inertia or in a state of Divine consciousness. If you are bored, it indicates you are evolving. Boredom moves you. Be proud of your boredom and celebrate. Dissolving the name is awareness. Dissolving the form is meditation. The world is name and form.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji
Celebrating Silence