The perfect yogi lives in the moment without getting involved in movements
Verse 4.33
क्षणप्रतियोगी परिणामापरान्त निर्ग्राह्यः क्रमः ॥३३॥
kṣaṇa-pratiyogī pariṇāma-aparānta nirgrāhyaḥ kramaḥ ||33||
The changes that exist in relation to moments, and which are perceived at the other end (at the end of a series) are succession.
The sequence of time is related to the order of movements of the gunas of nature. Only the yogi recognizes this inter-relationship and is free from gunas.
The uninterrupted succession of moments is called time. These movements of moments and the uninterrupted mutation of the gunas of nature are distinctly recognizable at the culminating point of transformation. The average person is not aware of moments: he understands their movement as past, present and future. When moments slip away from one's awareness, one lives in movements. Memory begins to exert its influence, and consciousness is felt at this juncture in the movements of time.
The perfect yogi lives in the moment without getting involved in movements: the movements of moments are arrested, and psychological and chronological time come to an end. Living in the moment, the yogi sees the seer.
This is evolution. Nature eternally helps the intelligence and consciousness towards evolution, while the seer remains eternally changeless (kutastha nityan)
The first bird, as seer, was called kutastha nityan as it remained steady and still; the other, as consciousness (parinama nityan) was constantly moving in the effort to reach the first one.)
Evolution takes place in a moment. Moment implies instant while movement implies time. When change comes, it arrives at once in a moment, only after a series of efforts involving movements of time.
Transformation does
not come without effort. As change is noticeable to an average individual, so the end transformation is distinguishable to a yogi by virtue of his pure wisdom: dharma megha Samadhi. He is free from time, place and space while others remain trapped in this net. He is neither attracted towards.nature nor disturbed by it. He is now a divine yogi.