Divine vision is revealed within the core of your own Self, not outside.

Sankhya Yoga

Chapter 2, Verse 59
viṣayā vinivartante 
nirāha‌rasya dehinaḥ 
rasa-varjaṁ raso’pyasya 
paraṁ dṛṣṭvā nivartate
If one abstains from food, the objects of sense cease to affect one; but the taste for the sense objects remains. The taste also ceases when the Supreme is seen.

Here, food doesn’t only mean the food that we eat. And taste doesn’t only mean the taste of food. Through the renunciation of food, only one object of the senses is renounced. Each of the senses has a different food. Each sense has its own taste. The food of the ears is sound; the food of the nose is smell. If all of these are renounced, automatically all our concentration will be focused on attaining one food – the divine nectar of the Supreme God Himself. And once the Supreme has revealed Himself, the aspect of the supreme reality which is inside oneself awakens – Amrit. Then one doesn’t need anything outside, then one doesn’t need anything secondary. One won’t need any secondary object to live, because God Himself will become the all-pervading reality for that person. God will be one’s food. All one’s actions will be pervaded by only this One Reality. 
Krishna says that the only thing that one has to have is God-Realisation, the vision of God. Without the vision of God, nothing is possible. Otherwise one will always run and hide behind worldly objects. Yogis who possess a stable mind obtain the direct vision of God, the ocean of the supreme bliss. In this state, the yogi ceases to have any trace of attachment to worldly objects or to the senses. All the attachment to worldly things totally disappears when there is a direct vision of God. It is through complete surrender and longing for the Divine, that God will reveal Himself. If one is centred in the object on the outside or controlled by the senses, the Divine will never reveal Himself. If one is limited to the duality of ‘good’ and ‘bad’, the Divine will not reveal Himself. It is only when one becomes like a yogi who is above this, that the Divine vision is revealed within the core of your own Self, not outside. The true yogi firstly perceives this divinity within himself. Then, through that Divine vision, he sees the same divinity equally everywhere in all God’s creation.

Bhagavad Gita 


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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