Be like the Sun, always shining forth Divine Light.
Karma Sanyasa Yoga
Chapter 5, Verse 16
jñānena tu tad-jñānaṁ
yeṣāṁ nāśitam ātmanaḥ
teṣām ādityavad-jñānaṁ
prakāśayati tat param
Those in whom ignorance is destroyed by Self-Realisation, the Supreme Self glows like the Sun.
When people are in darkness, they don’t see the true reality; they are blind. When you enter a cave which is completely dark, you don’t see anything! Nothing! Even a stone which is next to you, you don’t see it. Even if you try to look at it, you can’t see it. Such is the state when you are in ignorance. You don’t perceive that the One who is inside of you is the Lord Himself, God Himself.
However, as the sun dispels the darkness and reveals the true nature of all objects, the Light of the knowledge of the Self, Brahma Jyaan, received under the supervision of a Master, dispels this ignorance and reveals the true nature of God within oneself. Christ says in the Bible that when you have a light, you don’t hide it under a bushel basket. You let it shine. This Light is inside of you! You have this Light. Don’t stay in darkness! Don’t stay in ignorance! Awake! Open your eyes, see this Light. And when this Divine Light is brightening, let this Light, which you carry inside of you, shine through you! Let this Divine Self awaken inside of you! Don’t fall back into delusion, because the one who has true knowledge of the Self knows that worldly circumstances may make one fall victim to delusion.
The Sun is ever-shining: it will never blacken itself. Isn’t it true? It is constantly giving light! Even if we say, “Ah, the Sun has set,” the Sun never sets, never sleeps, never darkens itself. It is the Earth that turns. So, be like the Sun, always shining forth Divine Light.
Bhagavad Gita