Be the example
Karma Yoga
Chapter 3, Verse 29
prakṛter-guṇa saṁmūḍhāḥ
sajjante guṇa-karmasu
tān-akṛtsna vido mandān
kṛtsnavinna vicālayet
Those who are deluded by the gunas of Prakriti are attached to the functions of the gunas, but one of perfect knowledge should not unsettle the ignorant who do not know the whole truth.
Here again Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna, “The one who is arrogant and proud, the one whose mind is trapped in worldliness, remains attached to the gunas and
their actions. These people don’t have any knowledge!” Even though they may talk
about many things, in reality they don’t have any knowledge. Their knowledge is only
based on outside, material things. Such people are ignorant. Their happiness, their
enjoyments, lie only in the world. They are attached to the enjoyment which is the
product of the three gunas, and they are bound by it.
Krishna says, “Because of this ignorance, because of this ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’, don’t talk to
them about the Truth.” He doesn’t say that you should not remind them about the
Self, but He says, “Don’t give them the whole knowledge of the Self. You can give
them this knowledge of the Self when they are ready. If they are not ready, it will not
make any difference for them; it will not make any impact on them. In that context
He says, “There is salvation for all!” Even if there is a very, egoistic person, there is
salvation for him. There is also salvation for people who are into the mind. Nobody is
completely lost. But He says, “Go slowly! Let them first see the changes inside of you.
Be the example. They will change. Be patient! They will learn to be patient. Be loving!
They will learn to love. Be strong! Don’t go into your weakness. Don’t give way to
ignorance, but centre yourself in the Truth.”
Bhagavad Gita