Awake now
Karma Yoga
Chapter 3, Verse 16
evaṁ pravartitaṁ cakraṁ
nānu vartayatīha yaḥ
aghāyur-indriyā rāmo
moghaṁ pārtha sa jīvati
One who does not follow this cycle thus set in motion, lives in error, revelling in the senses, he lives in vain O Arjuna.
Here Lord Krishna uses the word cakraṁ: ‘this cycle’ of dharma and sacrifice which has been going on since the time of creation. There is a certain dharma in life. The yogis, the sages, and the rishis do their duties, renouncing attachments and selfish desires. They are not trapped in the circle of birth and death. The yogis know that the true Self is Narayana Himself. They know that it is only Narayana who is doing their work through them; they know it is only Narayana who makes them think and act; that it is only Narayana who is the object of their sacrifices. Narayana dances in every part of them. They do their duty with such determination. But if one doesn’t do one’s duty, one is trapped in the wheel of sensual pleasure. When they forget about their own true duties, and they attach themselves to the objects of the senses, they get trapped
in Maya, in worldly enjoyments. Abandoning their duties, life is lived in vain. If one doesn’t do one’s duty, this creates confusion, not only in oneself, but also in the world, because all are connected.
If one doesn’t use what God has given one for the sake of helping others, for the sake of serving others, Krishna says that this will bring “great sin to the life of that person.” Then, due to this bad karma, it will take much, much more time for one to realise God. Therefore, take every opportunity that God has given you in life to do your sadhana, to help others, to chant the Name of God, to think of God. Don’t become lazy! If you become lazy, you will lose yourself. If you lose time, this time will never come back again! When it is gone, it is gone. So awake now!
Bhagavad Gita