The subtle obstacles are to be conquered by resolving them into their causal state.

Verse 2.9

स्वरस्वाहि विदुषोऽपि समारूढोऽभिनिवेशः ॥९॥

svarasvāhi viduṣo-'pi samārūḍho-'bhiniveśaḥ ॥9॥

Flowing through its own nature, and established even in the learned, is the clinging to life.

Verse 2.10

ते प्रतिप्रसवहेयाः सूक्ष्माः ॥१०॥

te pratiprasava-heyāḥ sūkṣmāḥ ॥10॥

The subtle obstacles are to be conquered by resolving them into their causal state.

Love of life is sustained by life's own force. This urge for self-perpetuation
is so strong that it does not spare even the wise, and is an affliction for them
and the ignorant alike. 

Patanjali indicates that each human being has had a taste of death, This imprint is the seed of fear.

Abhinivesa is an instinctive defect which can be transformed into intuitive
knowledge and insight by practising yoga.

While practising asana, pranamaya or dhyana, the sadhaka penetrates deep within himself. 

He experiences unity in the flow of intelligence, and the current of self-energy. In this state, he perceives that there is no difference between life and death, that they are simply two sides of the same coin.

He understands that the current of self, the life-force, active while he is alive, merges with the universe when it leaves his body at death. 

Through this understanding, he loses his attachment to life and conquers the fear of death.

 This frees him from afflictions and sorrows and leads him towards moksha.

Suffering or pain may be gross or subtle; both must be counteracted and eliminated, silenced at their very source.

The five afflictions - ignorance, egoism, lust, malice and attachment to life appear gross (sthula) on the surface, but their subtle nature may be either dormant or highly active.

The subtle Suffering begin with attachment to life, move in the reverse order, Against to spiritual evolution and end with the gross affliction, ignorance.

Subtle pain, ignorance should be overcome before they lead to worse trouble.

How does one overcome them? The source of subtle afflictions is the mind, whose movements should be directed towards the seer by the yogic practice.

In this way, subtle Suffering, ignorance, are defeated and an light of pure knowledge is attained.




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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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