Medical Abbreviations
Medical Abbreviations
These are some of the most commonly used medical abbreviations which you can see on doctor's prescription.
tds- Three times a day
Od- Once daily
qhs- At night
o/e- On examination
p/c- Presenting complaint
h/o- History of
BD- Twice daily
Ix- Investigation
Dx- Diagnosis
Mx- Management
NAD -No abnormality detected
C/C- Chief complaint
CXR- Chest X ray
UCC- Urgent care centre
ud/u.d- As directed
q.- Every
q.1.d/q1d- Every one day
q.1.h/q1h- Every hour
q.2.h/q2h- Every 2 hours
q.d/qd- Every day
QDS- Four times a day
qod- Every other day i.e alternative day
A&E- Accident and emergency
a.c- Before meals
p.c- After meal
CSU- Catheter stream urine sample
EMU- Early morning urine sample
MSU- Mild stream urine sample
EUA- Examination under anaesthetic
PU- Passed urine
GA- General anaesthetic
LA- Local anaesthetic
gtt- Drops
HRT- Hormone replacement therapy
Hx- History
TPN- Total parenteral nutrition
SC- Subcutaneous
IM- Intramuscular inj.
IV- Intravenous inj.
IVI- Intravenous infusion
i- 1tablet
ii- 2 tablets
NPO- Nill per orally
NBM- Nill by mouth
NG- Nasogastric
PO- Per orally
PR- Per rectally
RTA- Road traffic accident
S/R- Sustained release
Stat.- Immediately.