Where does the good go?
Question - Gurudev, where does the good go? We have done so much good for people still we have to suffer sometimes, for no reason. Why?
Gurudev Sri Sri - Remember one thing, if you have done something good, bad will never come as the result of it. If you have sown a mango tree, you will only get mango fruit, you will not get cherries. So, if you are suffering, there are two reasons :
1. Either you are not being intelligent and are being foolish.
2. It is some past karma.
3. In the past you have taken a loan from the bank. Now when you are depositing some money, naturally they will minus all that you have deposited towards the repayment of your loan. Then you can't say, "I have deposited so much money but you're showing me nil balance".
4. You have some debt and you are clearing that out. You deposited money in the bank but you forgot that you had already withdrawn through your credit card.
Also, bad things happen to good people not because of their goodness but because they are foolish! You can't say, "I am very good but I put my hand in the fire and it got burnt". Nature has given you intelligence and so, you must understand the situation around you and use it.