Gurudev’s presence in the most unexpected form
Over a decade ago, during a sojourn in Jaipur to teach Art of Living courses, an unforeseen incident unfolded, revealing Gurudev’s presence in the most unexpected form.
Rushing to join fellow teachers for lunch, I stumbled on a small slope, assuming it was a minor sprain. To my shock, my left ankle was broken into two pieces, and I found myself in a state of desperate attempts to straighten it. In this vulnerable moment, a laborer from a nearby construction site ran to my aid. With a compassionate gaze, he gently stopped me from worsening the injury. His caring expression became a beacon of reassurance, guiding me through the initial shock. Subsequently, an ambulance rushed me to the hospital, where a surgeon emphasized that the laborer’s intervention prevented a permanent limp. Returning to Mumbai for surgery, I was graciously provided two adjacent empty seats on the flight, offering comfort for my healing leg. Every detail, from the laborer’s timely help to the surgeon’s expertise, the seamless flight back, the surgery, and subsequent recovery, unfolded flawlessly—a tapestry woven with divine intervention. For years, I pondered whether Gurudev truly sensed my struggles during cloudy days. The incident taught me that the Divine can manifest in myriad forms at any moment. Gurudev, in the guise of that compassionate laborer, came to my rescue, orchestrating a series of events that culminated in my recovery. When I reflect on my Guru Grace story, I realize that I am the miracle—stripped of His grace, my existence would be but a mere shadow. Gurudev’s profound presence accompanies me, moment to moment, shaping the miraculous journey of my life. Jai Gurudev.
~ Nandita