Vigour, Valour, Joy or Enthusiasm in anything that you do
Chapter 7 - Kriya Yoga
Day 52
Fire sustains life. There are five types of fire. One is Bhootaagni. Bhootaagni is the fire with which you heat your homes and keep yourself warm. This physical fire sustains life. It may not be so obvious in tropical countries. They don't give much importance to fire. But, it is very important in cold countries. Without physical fire, life extinguished. And this physical fire is present in the body to some extent.
And then, there is the second type is fire which is called Kaamaagni. This is the fire of desire, lust or passion. This fire will engulf you. Life continues on this planet because of this fire. The fire of passion is present in all he species of creation. Now, you do not even allow this fire of passion to come up in you. The moment there is a desire, you fulfill it.
Then that desire does not stay in you, it doesn't burn you up. People who are very promiscuous have no kaamaagni. This is because they do not even allow the fire to come up and burn and bake them a little bit. The moment there is a desire for sex, they fulfill it. Then the kaamaagni does not get awakened in them. Sex is one of the oldest samskaras after eating. In all your lifetimes, you have certainly done two things - eating and sex.
These two acts have been done as a cow, a monkey, a donkey, a horse or an ox. When this passion arises, observe it. It is in every cell of your body. It engulfs you totally. It burns and moves on. There is one 100% totality of alertness and awareness. But if you do not allow it to come up then there is a little desire. And, immediately it is cooled down. Then, your power or shakti, the potentiality in you goes down and becomes dormant.
And you become more inert and less sensitive. There is no vigour, valour, joy or enthusiasm in anything that you do. This is the reason that people who are very promiscuous do not have much enthusiasm. They do not have the force, will or strength to do anything.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji