For Samadhi Patience and Dynamism is the golden rule.
Chapter 6 - Steadiness In Samadhi
Day 49
This is another kind of samadhi where even the feeling of some impressions is not there. There is no end to this. There are many different states of awareness and types of samadhi being described. The path is long. Every step is complete in itself. It is not that you are aiming at a goal after sometime.
The goal is in every moment. Yet the path is long. The path is very long, yet the goal is there at every moment. The goal is where you are. You are not in a hurry and want samadhi immediately. There should be enthusiasm and along with it there should be patience. Those who are very enthusiastic have no patience.
People who have patience are very lethargic. There is either one extreme or the other. You can sleep but you cannot have a quick sleep. Hurried sleep is not possible. You cannot feel that, since you are in a hurry, you should sleep quickly and then rise and go. In the same way you cannot remember something in a hurry. This hurry delays it all the more.
It is the same with the meditation. If you do not have the time, you cannot have a quick meditation. So this path is a middle path, a golden path, wherein you are enthusiastic and are in a hurry but, at the same time, you are patient. You are patient and, at the same time, you are not lethargic. You are not postponing things.
Often, if people have to do something good, something for their personal development, they will feel that, if God is willing, they will do and it will happen. They leave it to God when it comes to their practices and development.
But if they have to do something in the world, they do not leave it to God. They will not, if they have to build a house or have a relationship. They will put in their 100% for that. So, patience and dynamism is the golden rule.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji