Infinite Being that You are
DAY - 24
Vipaaka is fruit of the action; consequences of the action. Enjoying or suffering the fruit of an
action is not applicable here. This does not touch that core of your being and existence, which is
the Lord of creation; that consciousness which is free from this.
And Aashaya. Aashaya means latent desires or impressions, opinions, seeds, etc.
So when a
consciousness or a being is free from klesha, misery, karma, vipaaka - the fruit of action, and
aashaya, the impressions of actions, then that being or consciousness is Eshwara or Lord. And
the Lord is not somewhere in the sky but in your heart. It is in every being's heart. Your actions
and the events taking place around you do not touch the central point of your life. The central
core remains a virgin. Jesus was born to a virgin. This means that Jesus, the Lord was born to
this virgin area deep inside you which is untouched by any events or happening in life.
पुषवशेष - that special being is the Lord when your external mind is worshipping the core of
your being. All worship is done by the mind to its Being. It is like the circumference collapsing
into the center. When a boundary collapses to the center, what happens? The area, which had
been enclosed by the circumference, becomes infinite; becomes limitless. When out little
chattering mind prays, it does so to the Infinite Being that you are. That is prayer - when you ask
your Lord to help you.
Krishna meant this when He said that one may pray to whoever he wants. But the prayer goes
only Him because he is the core of existence. You may worship one form of God. Another may
worship a different form. A third person may worship yet another form. Essentially, worship is
just an act of dissolution - a sugar doll or candy getting dissolved in water. It does not matter
which point it gets into the water. It is going to dissolve and merge. Just like this, worship
dissolves the mind of the worshipper. it is the act of dissolving the mind into its being which is
free from klesha, karma, aashaya and vippaka. This takes place almost instantaneously. That is
why there is no difference between God, Guru and your self.
Eshwaro gururatmeti murti bheda vibhagine.
It is just a matter of using different words which are synonymous. The Master is the core of
your being. And so is the Divine who rules entire creation.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji