Gurudev From Awaken Your Sixth Sense Event at San Jose California*
1. Astonishment is preface of yoga, Union with ultimate
2. Darkness reveals more than light (when you look at stairs, you look at higher picture, brings you to a bigger dimension)
3. Light can be blinding
4. When you transcend fear, we reach the truth
5. Dropping fear , when fear goes away you see beautiful things beyond it
6. When you don’t like someone, see them as skeleton and that reminds you of impermanence of life
7. Ashes remind you of impermanence of life otherwise
8. Whenever we are doing something important, just step back for 15 seconds, impulsiveness goes away
9. Lot of times we say we know things but emptying it out is important
10. Be in a wao moment, learning mode
11. Vigysn bhairav is a science of consciousness
12. Ash reminds you of “end of the day you are going to go”
13. Horseshoe is lucky charm, your breath moved in the shape of horseshoe, if you are breathing consider yourself as lucky
14. Empty your cup to receive more
15. Qualifications of student is “I don’t know, astonishment, wonder, ready to take challenges, freeze- come to the present moment, meditation happens”
16. Meditation is not just about closing your eyes, head-cold, heart-warm, body-strong
17. Bringing mind into present, blank - saying ka without a
18. We consume energy all the time
19. When things are not smooth, we need endurance and that is the energy we use during endurance
20. Third energy, higher level of energy is radiating
21. You can’t go to shakti/energy without shiva
22. Our thoughts and emotions have gravitation force which pulls us down but when we have a rocket we can go high
23. Your origin is infinity
24. If you shake hands with emptiness you will never feel lonely
25. Emptiness is infinity
26. For sixth sense, intuition to work other five senses need to take a backseat
27. Kids intuition is very high because there kind is pure, there is no jealousy
28. Loneliness beckons you to go in another dimension
29. Wonder, astonishment is associated with joy
30. Enter into the cave of your heart and repose there to find infinity
31. Repose in the serenity of your heart
32. When you repose, you are able to enjoy the depth
33. Without reposing there is no charm
34. Repose in your heart
35. 108 chakras in body, 1 above head
36. Out of 109 chakras, 7 chakras are important
37. With pranayama and meditation your subtle body is getting wider
38. Deep sleep leaves you with a lot of energy when you wake up, your subtle body (thoughts and emotions) have expanded and you reach a state of bliss.
39. Attending to chakras give you a lot of energy and enthusiasm
40. 70% of English is Sanskrit,
41. Closest language to English is Sanskrit
42. Gazing into the empty sky takes you into meditation
43. Listening to the stream of water also uplifts your subtle body and energizes you and takes you to the infinity
44. Listening to string instruments without any words and immersing in the sound, can take you beyond sound and door to sixth sense
45. Through sound you go to mother of silence, sixth sense
46. Different mantras impact different parts of the body
47. If someone is hurting you, why would they hurt you? Because they are hurting themselves, treat them like a patient
48. If you keep getting angry, you are punishing yourself for somebody’s else mistake.