Silence is permanent and benefits the whole humanity.
The Master's Voice 23
The Master's say, "A Lecture may entertain individuals for few hours, without improving them. Silence on the other hand is permanent and benefits the whole humanity."
The Saints and The Master always emphasis on the fact that it is not while the teacher is delivering the lecture, that a student learns. He actually learns during the intermittent SILENCE between the words and sentences. Or When he silently contemplates later. When the teacher is teaching, he is speaking and the student is listening. Both are under the impression of the mind. The assimilation of knowledge takes place when there is silence.
Similarly, our role models are those, whose experience we have seen, words we heard and actions we have seen. We were a silent spectator, just assimilating as things unfolded. In our SILENCE, it became a part of our consciousness.
That is the reason our connection with our Mother, Father or The Master is strong. It is strong because it is at our consciousness level.
The Master's say, "Similar connection is established with the other souls around us, when we are entrenched in The SILENCE. All the relationship established in the silence is Peaceful, Cordial, Bliss filled and Content."
The power of Silence is such that it establishes a balanced approach in relationship. A husband understands the wife's view point, without being expressed. A friend arrives at the time of our crisis, without call. A student writing an exam suddenly goes blank, But a few seconds of Silence brings the answer before his eyes.
We credit and thank The Lord for His Hidden help. The Lord is not hidden, but we do not yet have The EYE to see him. But in each SILENCE, we can feel The Presence of The Lord, with the Grace of The Master, from the peace and bliss that surrounds us.
The Master's say, "Silence is The Remembrance of The Lord. The Silence is the True Prayer. The Silence is Meditation. The Silence enlivens our consciousness or Aatma. As our Silence spreads through, we establish connection with other awakened soul."
It is like the Radio, it will connect with only those who are in the same wavelength.
The path of Silence is the spiritual path, the path mastered and experienced by our MASTER. It will be our fortune to hold on to our Master's Grace and be connected in His Consciousness umbrella.
It should be our endeavour to always be in The Master's Will. That is the only path which will lead us to The Lord. Let us keep our prayers and meditation on, as much time as possible.
Authored by K. Giri