Uterine fibroids are abnormal tumors that grow anywhere within your uterus. They normally affect women of childbearing age and can vary in size, from small growths to more than 20 cm in size.
- The main cause of fibroids is currently unknown, but studies suggest that genetic factors and hormonal changes could play a role in development of fibroids.
- backache or back-pain that could spread down your legs.
- pelvic pain
- pelvic pressure( feeling like you're carrying weight)
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- frequent urination
- periods that last more than 7 days
- Constipation
- excessive discharge
- distended abdomen
-pain during intimacy
*women of child bearing age
* obesity
* family history of fibroids
* black women are more likely to develop fibroids than any other race
* high consumption of red meat
* high alcohol consumption
Traditional treatment of fibroids includes prescription medication, surgery to remove the fibroids, and in serious cases, hysterectomy.
1. Unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Use 2 tablespoons daily. ( helps with the excessive bleeding and cramps)
2. Apple cider vinegar. Add 1 tablespoon in warm water and consume daily
3. baking soda: 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of water once a day( helps in shrinking the tumor)
4. chaste-berry - (can help with hormonal balance
5. Turmeric
6. Castor oil packs- place a pack of castor oil around your abdomen to help with inflammation and detox, which will help shrink your fibroids.
- Vitamin B6
- vitamin D
Lifestyle changes and change of diet produces the major benefits of shrinking fibroid tumors, so to be successful, changing your diet is not an option unless you decide to get a hysterectomy .
**Avoid red meat, chicken and eggs ( I cannot stress this enough)
** Avoid foods with high glycemic index ( foods that spike your blood sugar quickly) like bread, white rice, sweetened dairy products like ice-cream, cookies etc
** Eliminate sugar and sugary drinks
*** Go on a keto diet- there have been numerous success stories of fibroid shrinkage or elimination through keto diet!
*** Exercise at least 3 days a week
*** Add more vegetables to your diet especially cruciferous vegetables and green leafy vegetables
*** Consume organic produce as much as possible because processed foods have hormones which feed the fibroids.
Consult Doctor for more Details