Grace can reach millions and billions through us
Sharing Swami Brahmatej ji :
I wanted to write this last evening. But something happened in the meditation. Went to lie down for a few minutes, got up only after 12 hrs. There is so much I want to share. But then so does everybody. Then there is always the concern that I might just crowding up your cyber space. Gratefully you have a delete or scroll button. So here goes. By now you all must be feeling that Gurudev is doing something on a global scale in this trying time. It is like a phenomenon unfolding.
All of us, who are AOL teachers since the 90’s, Remember?
Gurudev used to say “ Jaldi Gyaan do sab ko. Samay nahi hai” And at other times “jinke paas gyaan hogaa wahi tarenge”. Was what we are facing now is what HE was referring to then? And also remember? The phenomenon that was unfolding then? We did not know the amazingly vast application, efficacy and power of the Sudarshan Kriya. We did not know how to teach a course. We did not know the way the Gurutatwa works. But found to our amazement that, what was unfolding in people’s lives was nothing short of the miraculous. All one could do was wonder about it. You were just dazzled. It was happening through you but it was not you. You not only had tremendous faith in Grace but depended on it. Over a period of time when miracles became so commonplace in our life, has our faith slowly shifted to our ability. Long back when a senior teacher asked “Gurudev, There is so much to do and we are so few, how can all this be done?” Gurudev, it seems, said “I will do this through you, just lend me your consciousness” - or - something to that effect. Well here we are today. Are you willing to lend your consciousness and join it with Gurudev’s sankalpa today? And let Gurudev to work through you? Grace can reach millions and billions through us, the devotees. We can be the block or the medium.