What is Yantra Vidya ?
Yantra Vidya is a classified study and knowledge of the Arts and Science of the symbols, idols, sculptures, images, signs, logos, and emblems.
Nirgun-Nirakar Brahman: The Single Formless God. The Ultimate, Formless, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and all-pervasive Universal Consciousness, called Nirakar-Nirgun-Brahman (God-Nature-Paramatma) is one entity and cannot be perceived with the five normal senses of sight (eyes), hearing (ears), smell (nose), taste (tongue), and touch (skin).
It can be perceived with the higher faculty of the extrasensory perception (ESP) of clairvoyance (Divya-Dhrishti/extended divine vision), clairaudience (an enhanced spectrum of the hearing), intelligence (Buddhi), absolute wisdom (Pravidya-Pragyan), intuition (Mahat), and Super-consciousness (Turiya).
The extrasensory perception can be developed with the regular practice of Akhand Yoga, an integrated form of Yoga, and conscientious chanting of Akhand Gayatri Mantra.
Sagun Brahman: The Formed God. For the benefit of the normal human beings with the limited faculty of the five normal senses, mind, and consciousness, the ancient Indian Sages designed and created the symbols of Gods and Goddesses with different number of heads, hands, and instruments, to explain the innate nature of the different aspects of the Formless Universal Consciousness.
The Science of Ancient Indian Symbols: It is one of the greatest contributions of the ancient Indian Sages. The symbols are as old as the universe, universal consciousness, and Nature. Every object of Nature is designed and created with the precision of mathematics.
The symbols of Nature are great assets for the human brain, mind, and consciousness. The wisdom of even a thousand words can be represented with a single symbol of Nature. A systematic and classified representation of the modern sciences would be impossible without the aid of signs, abbreviations, and symbols. The visual signals are much more powerful than the auditory signals. It is easier to focus the mind on a beautiful picture than contemplate on an abstract idea.
The images of natural symbols of different dimensions, shape, size, color, and texture are stored in the primary, secondary, tertiary, and associated areas of the human brain. Hence, they can be easily recognized, remembered, recalled, reviewed, and reinforced. It is also true that every new Age brings with it, a new element of evolution, a new set of symbols, and a new meaning of the existing symbols. Now, let us comprehend the Science of Picture of Goddess Gayatri. Goddess Gayatri is represented with five heads, which represent five elements. She is depicted with the ten arms, which represent, the ten dimensions of the universe, the ten sisters (rays) of Sun spreading light in ten directions of the Solar system, and the ten stages of development of the formation of the objects of the universe and Nature.
The Science of Yantra Vidya is beyond the comprehension of a limited mind. The prime objective of Yantra Vidya was to represent the various aspects of the universe and Nature, which a common person could easily study, understand, and appreciate. Yantra Vidya can help understand Tantra, Chakras, Nadis, Kundalini, Kundalini Awakening, Kundalini Yoga, and Self Realization.
Living a peaceful life does not depend on the situations of past, present or future. Accepting life as it comes and having a will to let go without getting attached to anything is the key for a peaceful living. Do your duty and be contented with what you have.Every emotion has energy. In a day, we go through so many negative emotions--anger, guilt, grief, envy, greed, fear, worry, stress, lust but we don't realize that the energy associated with these emotions is usually used destructively by us, to cause harm to ourselves or to others.
If we became aware, we would realize that every time we became angry or fearful or stressed out, the body produces tremendous energy. What we need to do is to channel this energy into something constructive, rather than letting it run amok, cause problems to us and others. These energies are like wild animals; we need to learn to domesticate them and put them to good use. Next time you feel a negative emotion, try and become aware and channel the energy into some constructive activity...
Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo