We will share the smiles with everyone, we meet
The Master's Voice 92
The Master says, "We often put all sorts of conditions on our happiness. We think, "I can't be happy until I graduate from school. I can't be happy until I get a different job. I can't be happy until I meet the right person to marry. I can't be happy until I migrate to America.
Wherever we go, whatever change we make, still our mental condition remains the same. It will recreate same questions in a different format.
Like, Graduation completed, still no changes in life. Higher salary and a new job, but EMI has gone up. Now I am married, but demands have increased. My village was better than American living conditions.
Thus, we should be happy always, and not depend on the outcome of outer conditions, for us to be happy. We should just be happy because we are alive to see another day.
The happiness is a state of mind and till the mind searches for the happiness through our sense organs, we can not be happy. Because our sense organs connect us with the outer world. The outer world is illusion filled, perishable in Nature. None of these are Eternal or permanent.
What we have today, may not be in our possession tomorrow. What we need today, we may not need it tomorrow. Everything and everyone change, including our own self. As each year passes, we age, there is physical transformation. Trying to hold onto any of these thinking it as happiness is a flaw. Instead, if we stay in the present, we will be happy.
Likewise, in our journey toward The Lord, we need not wait until the ultimate Divine Union is attained in order to be happy. We should enjoy the process, we should enjoy the spiritual journey.
The First reason for us to be happy is that we have got a human birth, a birth in the cycle of 84 lakh birth and death which offers an opportunity to seek salvation.
In this human birth, our desire to tread The Spiritual Path is another reason to be happy. Here, everyone is living his own life under mind's dictum, without understanding that the mind has made him a slave.
Our Inner desire for union with The Lord leads us to The Master. Being in The Company of The Master is the biggest reason for us to be happy. Because it is The Master who has the Road Map to reach The Lord's abode.
The Master initially orients our mind through Outer Sevaa, the physical and material sevaa, for those in need or just to cleanse our Karma. Outer Sevaa gives us happiness and enhances our desire for union with The Lord.
The Master after bringing our mind towards The Right Path, gives us The Naama for Simran. It is The Simran of The Master's Naama that eliminates our worldly thoughts and attachment and orients our mind towards The Naama Bhakti. Our mind being in Naama Bhakti is our biggest source of happiness.
As the worldly thoughts are removed through The Simran of The Naama, we become thoughtless and Absolutely Silent. Now to sustain this state, we need a base. The Master becomes the base for the mind to hold onto. Through Dhyaan of The Naama, our concentration is transfixed on The Master's physical form at the eye center. This opens the door for us to Live in constant happiness.
All our fears, sorrow and worries vanish, we Realise our Soul. We awaken The Soul from its deep slumber. The Master then connects our Soul to The True Naama flowing within us. We Realise we are nothing but The Lord's particle and The True Naama is our Master in His Pure and original form. The Realisation that we are The Lord Particle and The Master is The True Naama, opens The Door for us to be in Eternal Happiness.
As The Naama unfolds before us, we have The Darshan of The Lord's Majestic Form within us. We hear the Sound of Naama emanating from Satlok, calling us to Reach Home soon. We see The Divine Light, merging into which The particle becomes One with its Source.
All The Great Masters and The Saints who have taken the human form say, Having the Darshan of The Divine Light is experiencing The Lord, within us, becoming The Lord Himself. Here, we Realise That The Soul, The Master and The Lord are One and The Same. We are The Creator and not the creation that we were seeking Happiness from. Eternal Bliss, Peace and Happiness is in The Creator, is in The Lord's Company. It is in The Lord's Abode, our Inner Heart, which houses Him.
The True Happiness is not there outside, but is available within us, in abundance. It is deeper than the ocean that even if we try to use all of it, we cannot. We need to Realise that only happy and content faces get the key to seek entry into The Lord's Abode.
We should remember we are not attending a funeral ceremony of a loved one. Rather we are cultivating the habit to Live beyond the death, without being reborn here. So that our Soul can enjoy Eternal Bliss on Union with The Lord."
Let us not take this life too seriously. Let us Start every morning with Naama Simran, Allow Naama to control our day. We will feel the happiness in each and every second of our life. We will share the smiles with everyone, we meet.
Let us do Naama Bhakti and Live Happily.
Authored by K. Giri