The Naama can Enlighten us with The True Knowledge
The Master's Voice 65
The Master was talking about the importance of The Naama Bhakti to the Disciples. He narrated an incident, "Once, a Saint (One who has Realised The Lord within) came to the village, near Ashram. He had no belongings with him, except for a small pot and a Holy Book. His devotion towards the Holy Book was the talk of the town. He used to perform ritualistic worship of the Holy Book everyday, by offering flowers and applying sandalwood paste to it.
At the same time, He also had immense faith in The Naama. He used to devote most of his time in Simran of The Naama. In between, he used to open his holy manuscript and read a few pages from it, for some time and get back to Naama Simran.
Once, I(The Master) asked The Saint to show me His Holy Book. After hesitating initially, he finally allowed me to see The Book. Very eagerly, I opened that book. To my surprise, only one line, ‘Raama Naama' was written from the first to the last page.
I was surprised. But The Saint smiled and replied, “My Master, while Initiating me into The Spiritual Path had given me The Raama Naama. He said it is your Naama Bhakti that will enable you to Realise The Lord within you. By reading the holy books, which have been written by Great Saints and The Master based on their experiences, we can only Understand the Path to be followed. But to Realise The Lord, it is The Naama Bhakti which can enable us to experience The Lord.
Only The Naama can Enlighten us with The True Knowledge. It is The Naama, which awakens our Vivek and enables us to tread the righteous path. It is The Naama, which is our True Master and it is The Naama, which is The Lord's True form.
That is the reason, I have only written His Naama from first to last page. This is The Lord shown by The Master. Whenever my Dhyaan drops down, I read The Holy Book. I again get inspired to do Naama Bhakti.
This shows the tremendous faith The Saint had in The Lord's Naama."
A Disciple then asked The Master, "Why are there so many scriptures and Holy Books available, if it will not yield the results?"
The Master said, "They are all great work of The Saints, who Realised The Lord and expressed their feelings. Reading these can inspire us to do Bhakti, keep us in Bhakti path and create pious environment.
But to experience The Truth, it is not the others experience, but our own internal experience that matters. That is the reason all The Master while Initiating say, I have shown you the right path, now you need to tread it. Do Naama Bhakti as much as possible. It is The Naama's Light and Sound, which will lead us towards our True Home."
Thus it is very clear, in order to be constantly in close connection with The Lord, we should continuously do Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama. Even when we are doing any worldly work or activity, it is necessary that we be in the company of The Naama and do its Simran. This will keep our Dhyaan on The Master and ensure we do not falter.
We are already initiated and on The Master's Path. Now, it is our turn to Live in The Master's Will and do Naama Bhakti. Through Naama Bhakti, one day we can Realise The Lord, By The Master's Grace. Let us keep doing Naama Bhakti because this is what pleases The Master.
Authored by K. Giri