The Master's Grace, we shall be filled with Acceptance, Contentment and Bliss in abundance
The Master's Voice 78
Once a Disciple asked The Master, "Master, you always talk about us giving up on our desires. But, if One becomes Desireless, how can he live in this world? What will be the purpose of His Life."
The Master says, "Mother is the biggest example of Desireless living in a family. Her focus is oriented towards the well being of the family. She works day in, day out to ensure that all their requirements are met with. And they do not face any difficulty while going to school, college or office. In return, the husband, children and other family members shower gifts on her, according to their capacity. Thus, the mother continues to live a content and desireless life, within the family boundaries.
We should not worry about freeing ourselves of desires. We will not become like a stone or statue. Desirelessness is the most delightful state of consciousness. First and foremost, it is not easy to reach this state of consciousness. If by The Grace of The Master, we reach the state, we will be filled by Eternal Bliss, Contentment and Acceptance, within us. We will enjoy everything that is happening around us, without any inhibition. We will know it is happening because The Lord wants it to happen so. Since, we have no desire or part in the happening, we do not feel the pain or disappointment from the results of our actions."
The Disciple asked, "What do you mean by Acceptance?
The Master's say, "When our mind is oriented towards The Lord and is immersed in His Bhakti, it just accepts thinks around us, as it unravels. It does not question, 'why not like this' or 'why me'.
If you give a cup of tea to a normal person and forget to put Sugar, he will say a few words and ask for sugar. By mistake, if we put salt, he will just throw the glass alongwith the tea. Whereas, One who lives in Acceptance, will not think whether it is hot or cold, whether sugar is there or not, he will drink as it is given to him. He will not demean or question others. It is because of his inner contentment."
The Disciple, "Now, what is this inner contentment?"
The Master's say, "When we are happy with what has been bestowed on us and do not ask for more, we are said to be in Contentment. When this feeling comes from within us, it is Inner Contentment.
Like the mother in the first example, she is content in playing the role to keep everyone happy in the family. She does not clamour for name, fame. She is happy with what she is. She is The Master of The House, her greatest possession. She will not trade anything for it. She lives absolutely content with her loving family members in the home. She loves being with them, for them.
Similarly, when our Home will have The Lord as a member, we will live an absolute desireless life, a content life filled with bliss. Our nature will become Love. We will love all."
The Disciple, "What is bliss?"
The Master's say, "Bliss is the state where we reach a state of perfect happiness, filled with joy, oblivious of everything else.
When we are in the company of the loved ones, we enjoy eternal bliss. We forget about the world. We enjoy the loved ones company and want nothing more.
Similarly, when we Realise The Lord within us, all our desires are wiped off. We want nothing more than The Lord's company. We are filled with Contentment. As we Realise the benevolence showered on us by The Lord, we are filled with Acceptance and Gratitude. We are happy with what we have, that is, The Lord."
The Disciple, "How can we Realise The Lord within us?"
The Master's say, "It is The Lord's prerogative. Just remember, on our own, we can never reach Him. The Lord chooses The Chosen Ones in whose Heart, He will reside. He opens the pathway for The Chosen Ones to reach The Master. It is The Master who introduces The Chosen Ones in the spiritual path. The Master gives His Naama, laced with spiritual energy to us, at the time of Initiation.
It is through Naama Bhakti that we cultivate the habit of Acceptance. We Accept to Live in the conditions that are bestowed on us. We are Content to be in Naama Bhakti. As we immerse ourselves in Naama by doing Naama Bhakti, we become The Naama. The Naama is The Lord. We experience External Bliss.
Till our count of breath is there, we will Live. Since, we have surrendered ourselves to The Lord, The Lord will take care of our responsibilities. Our Love for The Lord will ensure, we will fulfill all our worldly responsibilities without getting attached to it.
The True purpose of this life is to Realise The Lord within, Love The Lord. We can reach the highest state of consciousness and live in Desireless state. We shall be blessed to Live in Absolute Silence, Contentment and Acceptance."
The Master has shown us The Path and given us The Naama. This implies we are also one amongst The Chosen Souls.
But The Master clearly states, "It is Doers Path. Those who do Naama Bhakti will only reach The Highest state of Consciousness."
So, let us start giving as much time as possible to Naama Bhakti. By The Master's Grace, we shall be filled with Love for The Lord and in the course, we will find Acceptance, Contentment and Bliss in abundance.
Authored by K. Giri