Realise our true Self
The Master's Voice 77
Once a person who did not believe in The Lord, came to The Master. He had heard about The Master through people around, that The Master enables people to see The Lord. He came, standing tall and Head high, before The Master and asked him to show The Lord.
The Master said, "No. I can not Show you or for that matter anybody, The Lord. Because The Lord is not an object. He is beyond The power of our two eyes.
For example, when we try to see The Sun directly with our naked eyes, it pricks our eyes. We are not able to see the sun clearly. Our vision of things near us too is blinded or blurred, we rub our eyes and wait for sometime to normalise it. Just imagine, The Lord's Light is far more powerful and illuminating than the sun. Can we see it with outer eyes? The answer is No."
The Stranger asked, "Then, how is it that many people who come to your Ashram claim to have had The Darshan of The Lord?"
The Master said, "Only those blessed with The Lord's Grace can feel The Lord. It is not easy to understand, but the truth is, you need a different eye to have The Darshan of The Lord. Those People who have had The Darshan of The Lord with their Inner Eyes are worth worshipping. They are The Saints."
The Stranger said, "Where will I get that different eye that you are talking about? Can I get it from some religious place?"
The Master smiled and said, "There is no place in this world, which can truly facilitate The Darshan of The Lord. No telescope or magical spectacle can make us see Him outside. All The Forms of The Lord that we find in the religious places are Realisation of The Lord, as The Saints had seen The Lord. They created The Lord's deity as they felt.
It was The Saint's power. The Saint is not alive now, hence, we can not connect with Him. We cannot derive power from those who are not amongst us. We need to go to someone alive, who can show us the path to have The Darshan of The Lord. We need to go to The Living Master."
The Stranger asked, "O Master, you are The Living Master, will you show me the path?"
The Master said, "When you came over here, you came to prove, there is no Lord. Your head was high, your attitude was rigid. You were filled with ego. You had created an identity which was separate from The Lord. You believed you were The Boss. You are running the show.
Now, your head is down. Your ego has taken a back seat. Now you are curious to know about The Lord. You accept He exists. There is a change in you. Your Soul is ready to come out of the slumber. You are welcome to tread The Spiritual Path.
The Spiritual Path is the path established by The Lord Himself, for those who seek to return to The Lord. It is while treading The Spiritual Path, We Realise that The Lord is our True Father, we are His Particles. Aatma The Soul, is the particle of The Parmaatma, sent by The Lord into this creation. Instead of loving The Creator, we have fallen in Love with the creation, causing misery and suffering. We live as per mind's will, rather than The Soul's Will.
The Master orients our path towards The Lord. He gives The Naama for Simran and Dhyaan. It is through The Simran and Dhyaan, we Realise our True identity. We Realise we are not the body or the mind, but The Soul. As our Soul awakens, mind dwells in Bhakti, our Inner sense organs, The Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Nose and ability to Feel opens up.
As our Naama Bhakti fruition, our Antar Simran of The Naama starts. We do Simran of The Naama in Absolute Silence, with Inner tongue. No word uttered. We Realise The Master within us, in His Spiritual Form. We Realise The Master and The Naama are the same.
In the Company of The Master as we progress, our Antar Dhyaan of The Naama propels us to experience The Lord within us, through Divine Light and Divine Sound. It is The Master who makes us understand the significance of The Light and The Sound.
We are propelled ahead by our Inner Nose. We feel The Lord through the Inner feel organ. We hear the sound with Inner Ear. We have The Darshan with our Inner Eye.
Only those who surrender themselves to The Master's Naama can have The Darshan of The Lord. We will have to immerse ourselves in The Naama. The Naama is The Lord. Then, we too will be The Lord.
We will escape from the cycle of birth and death. We will be back in our True Home, liberated and free forever.
We always want to have The Darshan of our Father, Mother, Relatives, friends and someone/something to whom/which we are attracted. We crave for more and more Darshan.
Till we do not Realise The Lord within us, the craving and longing for His Darshan will be absent in us. The moment Soul awakens, The Darshan of The True Father will become our sole purpose to Live. We will desire for nothing other than Union with The Lord."
The Master has bestowed The Naama and shown us the right path. Let us do Naama Bhakti and Realise our true Self. It is only, as The Master's say, an awakened Soul that will desire for The Lord's Darshan and union.
Authored by K. Giri