Live a Blissful life in His Grace
The Master's Voice 74
Once a Disciple asked The Master, "Is Grace necessary for the removal of ignorance?"
The Master answered, "Certainly. But we need to understand that the Grace is there all along. Grace is nothing, but our Soul. It is not something to be acquired from outside world or some person. All that is necessary is to know its existence inside us and feel it.
As the Sun is pure brightness, it does not know darkness, although we speak of darkness fleeing away on its approach. Like darkness, ignorance is a phantom, but not real. Because of its unreality, it is said to be removed when its unreality is discovered.
The sun is there and it shines. We are surrounded by sunlight. Once we know the Sun is there, we must turn our eyes in its direction to see it.
Similarly, Grace can be found by effort, although it is within us."
The Disciple asked, "By desiring to surrender ourselves to The Master, can we increase our experiencing of Grace?
The Master said, "If we Surrender once for all to The Master and be done with the desire, then yes we can increase our experiencing of Grace.
So long as the sense of being the doer remains inside us, the desire too exists.
Therefore the ego remains. But once we Surrender, the Ego goes. The Soul will shine in its purity. The sense of being the doer is the bondage, not the actions themselves.
If we do meditation, we can still our mind. Control it from believing itself as the doer. Once we collect our scattered consciousness at the eye center, we will realise, we are the part of Supreme Consciousness, The Source of unbounded energy.
Once we surrender ourselves to The Master's Naama, we will not have an identity separate from The Master. Merged in The Master's consciousness, we too are The Supreme Consciousness, The Lord's manifestation.
It is because of The Master's Naama, we Still our mind and agitation of the mind stops. It is the agitation of mind which is the cause of our desires. It brings in us the sense of being the doer, or individual personality. Once that is stopped, there is Absolute Silence.
In this sense, ‘knowing’ means ‘being’, because by Realising our True Self, we Know The Supreme Consciousness, and ultimately, Be The Supreme Consciousness. All we need to do is give adequate time to Naama Bhakti.
By doing Naama Bhakti, we will open our Inner Sense organs. It is through our Inner sense organs, we Realise our Soul, The Master's True Form, and The Almighty Lord. It is through Inner sense organs, we feel The Grace."
Disciple, "Still sometimes, we are not quite sure of The Lord’s Grace."
The Master says, "If the unripe mind does not feel The Lord’s grace, it does not mean that this is absent. Because that would imply that The Lord is at times not gracious, It like saying, The Lord ceases to be The Lord.
We need to experience it once to know The Grace. Once we know, we will clearly understand that it is The Grace that is taking us on The Master's path. This facilitates our Salvation and takes us back to our True Home, The Lord's abode."
We have The Master's company, This is the biggest Grace on us, by The Lord. We have been Initiated by The Master, The Master has given us His Naama, laced with His Spiritual energy. That is the biggest Grace of The Master on us. We do Naama Bhakti and Realise our Soul is our Grace on us.
So, Let us Live in The Master's Will, and enjoy doing Naama Bhakti. We will feel The Grace flowing throughout, non stop within us.
Let us do Naama Bhakti and surrender ourselves to The Master and Live a Blissful life in His Grace.
Authored by K. Giri