Let us meditate and enliven the bliss called LOVE.
The Master's Voice 29
The Master always emphasises on Love being the source to connect with The Lord. The Lord is Love; Love is The Lord.
The Lord loves His Particles, us and has set norms for our return - unflinching Love for The Lord.
The Master's say, “First of all, we need to understand Love.
When you talk of love, there is duality – there is the person who loves and the entity called The Lord, who is loved.
But the truth is, We are not separate from The Lord. Thus, the first step to Love The Lord is to Love one’s own Self.
Let us understand this better.
We love money, But Love our child more than money;
We Love our own body more than that of the child;
Our love for Sense organs is more than that for the body;
We prefer our eye, the most among the organs;
We love our life more than the eye;
We love the Soul (atma) more than life.
This is the Path of Love, in human life."
This is exemplified thus:
If the child does something untoward and the government decides to punish him for it, we will try to offer money and bribe to set the child free. This shows our love towards the child is more than that for the money.
If, however, the government does not accept money but say that they will let off the child, if the father agrees to undergo the punishment himself instead, then we will say, ‘Do whatever you like with the child; I have nothing to do’. This shows the we love our own body more than others.
If we have committed a mistake and the Government says that our eyes must be plucked out, we will try to save our eyes by agreeing to bodily torture; We prefer bodily torture, to loss of an organ.
If, however, the Government decide to take our life by beheading, we would be prepared to lose our eyes or
any other organ rather than lose our life; This shows, we love our life (prana) more than the organs.
In the same manner, a person who desires to have bliss of the Self would be prepared to lose his life even, if necessary; This shows, we love our Soul more than life.
The Master's say, " Our Love for The Lord enables us to master the art of Dying while Alive - Samadhi.
Hence the idea of a person loving The Lord, is only a Minds' view to keep us happy. We, however, are the embodiment of happiness, we just need to love our own self."
The Master's say, "Love is the actual form of The Lord. By being in love with one self, we merge in The Lord. The Love flows naturally, like a river. If we see the river's flow, we can see that it does not stop at obstacles, and stills itself only on merger into the ocean.
Similarly, we are the drops, the love for worldly things, are the obstacles, to be rejected. So that we can merge in the ocean called The Lord.
Love is not giving, Love is not taking. Rather, Love is Being, absolutely natural, nothing artificial. This is the path to reach our Soul, Love our Soul. That is real love. One who has realised the secret of that love finds the world itself full of universal love,”
To practice LOVE, we need The Master's Grace. The Master's Grace is available in abundance, for those living in The Master's Will. The Master's Will is that we Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and do meditation, as much as possible. Let us meditate and enliven the bliss called LOVE.
Authored by K. Giri