Let us embrace The Truth
The Master's Voice 69
The Master's have come to this world because The Lord sent The Master to help us out, protect us, show the right path and give us the strength to tread the right path. The Lord has seen His Particles, The Soul treading down the wrong path, forgetting its true nature. The Soul has gone into a deep slumber and given it's life command to The mind. Today, we try to Realise The Lord through the bhajan, Bhaja Govindam.
The Master says, "Worship The Lord, Worship The Lord, Worship The Lord. It is our True Worship which can Unite us with The Lord. The Lord has bestowed this life to be in His Bhakti. It is The Bhakti which shows our love for The Lord and pleases Him.
Now, a question can come in our mind, What is The Bhakti that can unite us with The Lord. The word Bhaja means Repetition, Simran or Jaapa of The Lord's Naama. Simran initially helps us to curb our external focus and orient the focus towards Inner Experience. As our Simran fruitions, our Antar Simran shall take over, Here our lips willl not utter The Lord's Naama, but in deep Silence our Inner lips will do it. This is also called as Ajapaa, The True Bhakti, that is Naama Bhakti.
But how are we spending our time? what are we doing? The truth is, we are living an ignorant life. Reading, studying and mastering ourselves in the modern day education, without realising for a fact that this education shall not come handy or help us in any way, at the time of our death.
We need to understand that The Master's do not stop us from studying or doing a job, or for that matter taking care of the family, all they want is a balance. The Master wants us to allocate time for Bhakti on a regular basis. To start with, The Master wants us to dedicate around two and a half hours a day for Bhakti.
But with just a glimpse at our lives, we will realise that we have spent our time in amassing wealth, more and more. We are not content with what we have got, we go for more and more, in the process we forsake our Bhakti.
As our mind wanders in the worldly pleasures, it is but natural that Maaya lays her trap through lust. We forget that the men and women are nothing but a modification of flesh, and get drowned deeper and deeper in the tangle of lust.
Drowned in Maaya, we live our life as though it is for Eternal. We live as though we will never age. We forget what happened to our parents and grandparents. Our life is as uncertain as rain drops trembling on a lotus leaf. We should realise that the whole world remains a prey to disease, ego and grief.
So long as we are fit and able to support our family and friends, we find affection showered all around us. But no one at home cares to even have a word with our elders when their body totters due to old age, or we fall prey to illness or lose our wealth or possessions. Such is the Nature of this Maaya filled world.
Our childhood is lost by attachment to playfulness. Youth is lost by attachment to worldly possessions be it job, house, marriage or kids. Old age passes away by thinking over past or in illness. But we hardly want to be lost in The Remembrance of The Lord.
Who is our wife? Who is our son? Strange is this world. To whom do we truly belong? From where have we come? We should try and find the Truth here. We need to Realise what is the eternal Truth and what is illusion.
Only when we live in the company of The Master, we will realise The Truth. The Master shows us The Path of Naama. He gives us The Naama, laced with His Spiritual energy. By dwelling in The Naama, we too unite with The Truth, become The Truth. We are in Satsang.
From Satsang comes non-attachment, from non-attachment comes freedom from delusion, which leads to self-settledness. From self-settledness comes Moksha.
We realise the lust was of no consequence, as the youth is sure to flee. What use is a lake, which has no water? Do we find our relatives around us, when the wealth is gone? Where is the world, when we Realise the Truth?
It is not good for us to boast of wealth, friends, and youth. Each one of these take just matter of a minute to be destroyed. They are all perishable. We need to Free ourself from the illusion of the world of Maaya and attain the timeless Truth. The Naama.
Daylight and darkness, dusk and dawn, winter and springtime come and go. Time plays and life ebbs away. But the storm of desire never leaves.
Only few from The Chosen Souls successfully tread The Master's path and Live in The Master's Will. Living in The Master's Will is to Surrender ourselves to The Naama. Do Naama Bhakti as much as possible. It is the Naama Bhakti, which first unites us with The True Master Living within us. The Master takes us to The Lord's abode and unites us with The Lord. We finally Realise, The Lord is The Naama. He created this Creation through The Naama. To unite us with Him, He sends The Master in The Naama Form amongst us."
So, let us do Naama Bhakti and break our shackles of ignorance. Let us embrace The Truth.
Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam.
Authored by K. Giri