When you have offered yourself to the Divine

Love is a proof in itself. It is the proof in itself. Just look into someone's eyes, you see whether they are worried or they are in love. In worry there is apathy and in love you can see the spark in their eyes. When you can notice that in others, you think one cannot notice for oneself what is happening inside? 

It is impossible. It is like a pain in the neck or in the leg or in your stomach anywhere you have a pain, can you not know it? Do you need someone else to prove that you have a pain? Svayam pramantvat - You know it, you feel it. It is instantaneous. 

No external proof is needed for such a love. Two more attributes of Divine love, Narada explains Shanti rupat - Divine love is of the nature of peace. And Paramanand rupascha extreme bliss, extreme ecstasy. Shantirupat peaceful. It is not the love of excitement, it is the love that comes with peace. 

Usually love is associated with feverishness or excitement, tension, because you are in love, and you are worried whether the person whom you are in love with loves you or not. All the time there is the doubt, “Oh, I love that person so much, does he or she love me also or not? And what do they think?” 

Fear of losing that love. All these anxieties, feverishness distort love. But Divine love is shantirupat, there is such a serene calmness and peace with it. There is inexpressible joy, bliss. A glimpse of such love doesn't take time, of course, that is true. But to stabilize that love, to maintain it in our daily life, it needs some strength, it needs some time. 

If your world is crumbling around you, don’t worry about it, because you have surrendered, you have offered everything to the Divine, niveditatma yourself, the world, your own world. When you belong to the Divine, you think your world doesn't belong to the Divine? When you belong to the Divine, your family also belongs to the Divine, your whole world belongs to the Divine, your knowledge belongs to the Divine, your character belongs to the Divine. 

We are worried about ourselves, we are worried about our family, about our reputation, about our knowledge, our correctness or incorrectness of the knowledge. These are the four main principles that cause worry to you. You worry about what people think about you, you worry about how you can carry on your life. 

Don't worry, when you have offered yourself to the Divine, all this also belongs to the Divine. So you don't have to worry, nature will take care of it, the Divine will take care of it. There is a story of Draupadi. She was asking for help from Krishna. But with one hand she was holding herself. 

She was a queen of Arjuna and she was stripped in an open assembly by the king of that place. She was holding the saree in one hand and she was calling for help from the other. She never got the help. But when she had to leave both hands and with both her hands up she cried, then the help came, then the sari, the cloth that she was wearing would never finish. 

The more he stripped, the more it would grow. Have you heard this story? And he got tired, because the pile of sari came up high, and his hands were so tired stripping it off her. But he could not succeed. This is one of the stories about how Draupadi threw both her hands up and cried for help.



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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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