Review The Content Of Your Life
*4. Review The Content Of Your Life*
Look at your own. Life in the light of time. Millions of years have passed and millions will come. What is your life? 60,70 or 100 years? Span of life is insignificant. It is not even a drop in the ocean.
In terms of space you simply don't exist. This understanding dissolves the ego. Ego is ignorance of your reality, ignorance of your existence. Now, just to know this, do we have to do something else? Just open your eyes Who am I? How I am on this planet? What is my life time?
Awareness dawns in the mind and you will stop worrying about little things like, this person said this thing to me and that person broke away with me and this happened with that person and I am going to say this. All smallness will simply drop away, and you will be able to live every moment of your life.
Your life reels around your context. You should be happy in life. All other business involve ups and downs which is very natural. If there is a body, then it will get cold, cough, fever or something else and it will go away. But take care to see that happiness is always established in you. That is known as purashaartha.
Our love, faith and belief should be deep rooted, then everything else moves on its own. How many events take place in life? Are you able to maintain your equanimity always? Not everything in the world is sweet. If you are grounded with faith, like the husk with grain, you will progress.
Take this decision - Whatever happens I will be there. I will be grounded. God's protection is there on me. Whatever happens, I will never go down. I always have God's hand with me. Keep your mind in peace in all situations. The rest will be taken care of.
You have to take at least one step forward, which is to be in peace and equanimity. Nothing happened. Nothing of my work happened. If you are able to laugh in such a situation, then understand that you have protection with you. The world is filled with love. Everybody has love inside them.
You have to see that in your mind. Your head will be in the mud in a few years, don't put mud in your head while you are still alive. If you review the context of your life, the quality of your life will improve.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji