Betacyanins, the pigments of Caryophyllidae
Betacyanins, the pigments of Caryophyllidae
Betacyanins are the second group of red pigments responsible for the red/purple colour of beetroot and flowers of Bougainvillea, Celosia and Cactus. In contrast the other larger group of anthocyanins which are polyphenols, betacyanins are a group of nitrogenous compounds (like alkaloids) responsible for the red and yellow color of plants belonging to the Caryophyllidae which contain about 11,00 plants (4% of total Angiosperms). It is an enigma that they are mutually exclusive to anthocyanins in that they are never seen in plants containing anthocyanins and vice-versa. They possess an indole-2- carboxylic acid / proline N-linked to a pyridine dicarboxylic acid group through an acetyl group. Where indolic moiety is there, the compounds are red in color and are designated betacyanins. The second group where proline is present, the pigments are yellow in color and known as betaxanthins. Both betacyanins and anthocyanins absorb light between 520-550 mm.
Similar to anthocyanins, betacyanins also are glycosides. More than 50 betacyanins are reported and almost all of them are glycosides of betanidin or isobetanidin. At times, even phenolic acids (like p-coumaric acid or ferulic acid) also are found esterified to betacyanins (similar to anthocyanins). But in contrast with the anthocyanins, betacyanins are unstable in acid medium and give yellow color with alkalies. (Anthocyanin salts are stable and they give blue color with bases). E. g. Amarantin (Amaranthus), Bougainvilleins, 1-XVI (Bougainvillea) and Gomphrenins 1-VIII (Gomphrena). Betaxanthins are few in number. e. g. Indicaxanthin (Opuntia), Miraxanthins 1-VI (Mirabilis) etc.
Betacyanins are used to color foods and pharmaceutical products. They are successfully used in meat substitutes, summer sausage, gelatin disserts and diary products. Beet root juice is used for intensifying the color of tomato products like tomato juice, puree and catsup. It is also found to protect liver from other hepatotoxic chemicals. Betacyanin gives best color at pH 6.3-6.6.
Betacyanins have a number of health benefits
1.Anticancer property especially against leukemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
2. Good for brain in that they protect neurons (neuroprotective)
3. One of the best antioxidants, better that ascorbic acid. Therefore useful for all chronic diseases like diabetes, heart problems, hypertension etc
4. Protect the lipid profile by increasing HDL and protect the membrane lipids.
5. Protect liver from toxic chemical pollutants.
5. Aid digestion
6. Prevent Lung and skin Cancer.
Source :
Herbal Technology: Concepts and Approaches. M. Daniel, (2008) Satish Serial Publishers, New Delhi, Pages 579., Rs. 2995/-
Mammen Daniel