One Truth, One Divinity, One Energy. This Energy is intelligence
Chapter 1 - The Password To Divinity
Day 11
Every bit of this Universe is permeated by this One Truth, One Divinity, One Energy. This Energy is intelligence. It is not a dead energy like in physics. It is life. Life is surrounding you a discount can see you without eyes. That life force can feel you without skin.
The life force can convey to you without words. That life force is Isa. That life force is Ishwara. There is a word in Sanskrit, Virupaksha is "eye without a form". Virupa is "no form " but Virupaksha is "eye without a form". Shiva is called Virupaksha.
The Shiva tattva, the Shiva principle is like the air the space the warmth that you feel or the coolness of the water. The five elements around is all Shiva. Nama Shivaya, the five letters represent the five elements. That which is governing the five elements of this universe, which is permeating them is Shiva, what scientists today call the dark matter and the dark energy.
Do you know why the Sun is round? Because it is pressured by the dark energy around it. The invisible space around the Sun is thousand times more powerful than the Sun, just like air bubble trapped in a bottle of water. Why is the air bubble round? Because of th pressure of water all around it.
Similarly the pressure of energy in the empty space is s much that all the heavenly bodies are spherical, not on their account. The empty space is full of energy and that's exactly what the Upanishad says.