Love Is Beyond Proof
Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof
Day 42
Throughout the ages, with all gestures, man is trying to express love but it has remained inexpressible. Love is so deep somewhere in you, and you find all your expressions just a shadow of it. Often teenagers say that nobody understands them it is a normal complaint.
Just remember when you were a teenager, what was your complaint? “Nobody understands me.” isn't that so? Nobody understands you or you find yourself incapable of expressing what you feel? If the feeling is so superficial, then it can be expressed.
But the feeling that is so genuine, so deep, so authentic, is hard to express. It cannot be expressed That is the nature of love. Tears will come, a glow comes on your face, the smile comes up. But words fail to express. Often all these outer expressions give you a glimpse of love, but not really the experience of it.
It cannot be expressed by words. Language is of the mind, of intellect. You can express any theory, theorem, philosophy through words. But feelings can only be felt. Communication on that level is beyond speech. And when lovers speak, they don’t make much sense.
Like when a dumb person tastes something great, how does he say that? Like the taste of a dumb person, like the joy of one who cannot speak. Those who have eyes can see, those who have hearts can feel. Love is what you are. Love is that energy which is the basis of this whole creation.
How can that be confined to a few words that we blabber through our mouth? Forget about it, if you think you are just going to understand love through words. You expect people to tell you, “I love you, I love you” and all such phrases. Many times you say, “I love you” but it doesn't really carry that feeling, that energy behind it.
Such words go in vain. Like a dumb person, be silent. When two people are in love, there is a demand that arises between them. Let the other Tell me something more. And however many words you hear, it is not enough, still you feel inadequate. “Today you didn't talk to me. Why you didn't talk to me? You don't love me”.
Love is like the taste of a dumb person. A dumb person who can taste but cannot express in words how wonderful the food is.