Four types of people who pray to God
Chapter 6 - Love Is Beyond Proof
Day 47
There are four types of people who pray to God. In the world you can categorise 4 types of people : Aarta - One who is miserable, one who has problems nobody else can solve no doctors can, nobody can do anything about you, then you pray to God. Aarta-those who are miserable, they pray to God. Artharti - The second type of people who pray to God are those who want something, some gains, some material benefits, or whatever, satisfaction.
You will see just before the exams, students go to places of worship and pray, just before exams or just before results come out. Or if they have to go to an interview, people pray. Sometimes even for lottery tickets. While buying a lottery ticket people pray and say, “If I get the lottery, 10% I will give to you, God.”
If you go to shops, retail shops, even wholesale shops, they all have altars. And there they worship, they pray that the business should be very good, that they have more profits or benefit sartharti. And jigyasu, the third category of people, who are inquisitive, who want to know whether there is a God, or what is it? And they are also in a prayerful mood, seekers, spiritual seekers. They don't want anything material, but they want something.
A space in heaven to the right side or left side or wherever. Enlightenment, praying for something, but they are not clear what it is. That is jigyasu, one who is aiming at something. But they don’t know what it is. It is nothing tangible. They are neither miserable nor do they want anything material, they do not know what they want, but they want something. They are called jigyasu, the seekers.
Gyani - It means the enlightened, the knowledgable ones, those who have attained wisdom, they also pray. ‘Pray’ not in the sense we think about “Oh God, give me this, give me that,” no, no. Pray commune, the wise commune with the Divine. They just know the Divinity is their very nature. So, the four types of people and the three types of love : satvik, rajasik and tamasik. Tamasik love is when you love somebody because you both have common enemies.
You love someone because they will help you to fight your enemy. Or the love of terrorists, you know terrorists have got a deep love for their cause, but their love is mixed with hatred . They are ready to give up their life for the cause. The cause may be very foolish, but for that cause they are ready to kill anybody or kill themselves.
Their love for the cause is so strong and they are so stressed out. This is the tamasik love. Rajasik love is the barter system. “If you love me, I'll love you. If you smile at me, I'll smile back at you. If you do this thing to me, if you are nice to me, then I'll be nice to you.” This type of conditional love, or conditioned response, is rajasik love.
In rajasik love you're either very high or very low. You get high one moment, the next moment you're down. You are excited, very happy, you jump up and down, and then you are completely down. One moment you are full of enthusiasm, next moment you are depressed. This is rajasik love.