Divine beings
Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine
Day 56
The devas, the divine beings, they dance and this earth finds their lordship. Among those devotees, there is no difference of race, caste or race, or from which family they have come-high class, low class, middle class, nothing of that sort. Nor have they studied do they have Ph.D. or are they Doctorate?
The same thing said from a Doctor has a different value, as said by someone who is not a doctor. The world does not hear them. A psychologist may not know much about the mind at all, but he carries more clout than a wise person who has more knowledge about the mind.
But in devotees there is no such difference. Religion or race, vidya-knowledge how much they know, how much they do not know, or how they look, or whether they are rich or poor, or what job they do. It is immaterial. Devotees, from whichever background they come, are all the same.
Because they belong to someone, they have become His. Once the devotees have become His, become Divine, there is no distraction whatsoever, because they all belong to him, this is how it is. In order to do certain jobs, you need certain qualifications, to do certain jobs, you need certain abilities and you need strength. Strength, ability and qualification are essential for doing anything.
If you want to lift 100 kilos or 100 pounds of weight, you need that much strength. Not everyone can do it. If you try and you cannot, you may sprain your back, your knees, or whatever. So, if love is a question of ability, strength, then not everyone can love. But love transcends all ability.
Whether you are a fool or a wise man, you can still be in love. Whether you are a rich person or a poor person, you can be in love. Or whether you are sick or healthy, you can be in love. Whether you are strong or weak, you can still be in love. Love transcends all these conditions.
Love does not depend on your ability. It only needs a simple recognition, an acknowledgement and to acknowledge doesn't need to take a long time. Time is not a factor at all. But what can really hasten the process is the company of wise people.
The company you keep can uplift your consciousness, your mind, make your heart blossom or make it shut down. The devotees are filled with Him, like burning charcoal. Charcoal is black, but burning charcoal is all red. No doubt there is charcoal in it, but every particle of it is filled with fire.
So you never call burning charcoal as “charcoal”, you simply call it fire. Similarly, an iron rod, when it is red hot, you just call it an iron ball, it is a fireball. Though there is substance, though there are particles of iron inside, they simply get submerged in the fire, they simply get soaked in it.
‘Soaked in fire’ is so poetic, they are glowing with fire, every particle of the fireball. And you simply call ita ball of fire. Similarly, devotees are soaked with Divinity. Every particle of them is only saying, singing the name of the Divine. And the presence of such devotees on this planet makes the souls rejoice of all those who are dead.