Consciousness is indestructible
Chapter 7 - Merging With The Divine
Day 57
Consciousness is indestructible, like the bones in your body are indestructible. That is how they could find the bones of dinosaurs even after several million years. In the same way, if they were just left on this planet, your bones would stay forever.
Like the bones, which are the grossest of your existence, and the subtlest, your consciousness, also the eternal, the mind, the consciousness which harbours the thoughts and feelings, emotions, everything, is eternal, that stays forever. And all those whose body and mind, their body and spirit have separated, that spirit still exists, the soul still exists.
Those souls, those units of energy, those units of consciousness, simply rejoice in love. One ultimate question remains how much love you have gathered in your life and have given in your life. The flow of consciousness is towards that love, towards the Divine love, because that is the source from where it has come.
In this universe everything is in a cycle. Everything goes back to its source. A deep yearning for the pinnacle of love makes this world move, move in cycles. And the angels dance, they rejoice such a presence and the Earth finds a caretaker. The earth as a whole is a living organism.
Don’t think this earth which harbours so many varieties of life is dead, is just an object. No, it is conscious, it has life. Only life can bring up life. If this planet is dead, if there is no feeling, no consciousness in the earth as a whole, how can it harbour so many species which has consciousness?
Do you see what I am saying? Like your body do you consider it only as matter? Is your hand only matter? No doubt it is matter, but there is consciousness in it. Like your physical body, though matter, harbours life, this universe, this world, this Earth harbours a big mind, the consciousness, it has its own life. Don’t depend on logic.
You cannot catch love through logic. Logic cuts, logic analyses, it tears things apart. But love is just the opposite, it brings everything together. Love is a process of uniting, logic is a method to analyse, to separare. Arguments are not to be depended upon.
The moment you start arguing, you simply indicate that you are not in agreement, isn’t that so? You know, when you argue, you think the other is not getting you right. That is when you try to convince them and argue, explaining to them.
To clear misunderstandings you sometimes start arguing or explaining which creates more confusion, misunderstanding. How many of you have had this experience? If you just keep quiet, everything would have cleared by itself. But we argue and make our position correct.
We want to convince someone of our correctness and we fail miserably. Even if you convince the other persons of your correctness, they are really not convinced because this argument you had has already created a distance, has already put a sourness in the milk.