Your being becomes perfect.
Chapter 2 - Beginning The Spiritual Journey
Day 9
A Master cannot give to you unless you want it. So that desire, that innate desire in you to want to know, is the seed that can sprout further.
Now I will enunciate what Divine love is. A person who cannot see, cannot be shown what light is. A person who cannot hear, cannot be made to understand what sound is. You can only make one understand with what one already knows.
Some may not be able to see, some may not be able to hear, but everyone can feel love. That is why he starts ‘and then now’. Even stones can feel love. Trees can feel love. Dogs can feel love. Animals can feel love.
You know cats, if you really love cats, they come near you and they purr. Dogs express their love. They run around you wagging their tail. They jump all over the place. If you are away for a couple of days and come home they go mad, they go crazy.
Just looking at you they don’t know what to do. They run all over you. You cannot miss love in your life. You know something about love, so whatever you know, from then on we will begin. He says and then now let us ponder over what is devotion, what is bhakti.
It is is one form of ultimate love. Ultimate love in him or in that. Often you hate the person with whom you are in love. And you are afraid of the person with whom you are in love. You are jealous of the person with whom you are in love.
And anger is also triggered very fast. But to be free from this, the ultimate love is amrit swarup cha. The second sutra says that it is non-changing, it is immortal. The love that does not die. It’s easy to fall in love and fall out of love.
One day you fall in love and a couple of months later you seem to fall out of love. But the Divine love, here, now, we are talking about the goal, is amrit swarup cha, it can never change, it is undying, it is unconditional.
In ancient days the saints used to first enunciate the goal, and then used to say the means of it, how to get it. You should have the final address and then the map on how to get to the final address.
So to begin with he is saying, “What is that ultimate love, what can you figure about it, the ultimate love, the bhakti which doesn't die.” However you want to get out of it, you cannot.
However you want to get rid of it, you cannot, because it is undying. It is non-changing. These are the characteristics of that ultimate love for which there is such a deep longing in you, a deep urge in you.
That love is undying. A story about Mullah Nasiruddin. He was in love with a girl but he married somebody else. Someone asked, “I thought you were in love with someone else?” “Yes”, said Mullah, “I don’t what to marry her because then my love will disappear.
So I keep loving her but I married somebody else.” We fall in love and we fall out of love because we do not know what is the ultimate love, what is Bhakti. The totality of love, knowing which you become amrit swarupa cha means that it is immortal, non-changing, it can never die, undying love.
Having attained that love, one becomes perfect. If you are striving for perfection, the way to attain it is the totality of love. Attaining bhakti alone makes you perfect, siddha means perfected being, your being becomes perfect.