Quality of humility in consciousness
Chapter 4 - Glorify The Divine
Day 24
One moment of such a love, such ecstacy in life, that taste of complete love, pinnacle of Love, is worth our entire life. That is good enough. If a few drops of tears have fallen from your eyes in love, that is worth your life. This is an end in itself.
Love is the end in itself. Faith is the end in itself-not a means. But our mind is so clever, it wants everything to have some illusion of comfort or pleasure. No doubt faith brings comfort, but if you are intelligent, you will not try to use it for comfort.
It is like selling diamonds to buy a bottle of Coca Cola. (Laughter) Offering finger chips, selling a bag full of diamonds to buy a packet of french fries. Divine love is itself an end is itself the fruit.Even to God pride is not palatable.
See, God loves these two instances. When a doctor tells a patient, “Don’t worry, I'm here. I will take care of you” or when someone says, “I own this piece of property’ - God has a big laugh. The ego simply indicates a lack of awareness, a narrow understanding. If there is no understanding at all, then, also, there is no ego problem.
And if there is full understanding, there is also no ego. Ego comes up when there is a partial understanding, half Knowledge. Humility is what nature loves. Ego is stiffness, humility is being like a feather. Humility is lightness, ego always makes you very heavy.
Why do you have to prove to yourself that you are correct all the time? Just let life be. Just knowing. That is how it is. Accept it. Being with the current, flowing with the current, that is wisdom, that is gyana. But how to be humble, how to have that humility? Only through knowledge, this is what some people say.
In this vast universe, what are you? Who are you? You are nothing, you are nobody. So many billions like us have come. They have walked this planet and they have all gone. And there are billions waiting in the queue. They are all going to come. You are just on the conveyor belt, passing by.
You are nobody. Just look at your life from the vast expanse of time and space. You will come into a big realisation that you are nobody. And that brings the quality of humility in your consciousness. When humility is lacking, all communications break down.
You cannot communicate with someone who is not humble. Humility keeps the communication open with everyone. With humility you can link with people of all levels, of all creeds, of all age groups, of all standards of all class of people.
When you treat everyone like dust and you think that you are somebody, that you are so intelligent, you are so much more brilliant than everybody, then I tell you, nature laughs at you “You poor thing, how foolish you are.” Don't see everyone else as dust, see yourself as dust.
You know, when I was in school, there were so many intelligent boys and girls in my class. And all of them thought, “I am going to be somebody.” Do you know, the dull students have done much better than them. They are doing very well in their lives, better than all the intelligent students.