The Self can be attained only by those whom the Self chooses. The Self can’t be known by anyone,
🌷 Katho Upanishad 🌷
Chapter 4
Beyond the layers of existence
🌻 Day 34 🌻
अशीररँ शरीरेष्वनवस्थेष्ववस्थितम् ।
महान्तं विभुमात्मानं मत्वा धीरो न शोचति ॥
What is required to see the Formless in the form? It needs great courage. One who is able to see the Formless in the ocean of forms, in the ocean of emotions,
which the world is, sees the quiet, Non-changing, subtle bliss. He is dheera, the brave one, the courageous one.
नाविरतो दुश्र्चरितान्नाशान्तो नासमाहितः ।
नाशान्तमानसो वाऽपि प्रज्ञानेनैनमाप्रुयात् ॥
The Self can be attained only by those whom the Self chooses. The Self can’t be known by anyone, who desist not from unrighteous ways, controls not his senses, stills not his mind and practises not meditation.
‘One who has not retired from unrighteous things’ – what is unrighteous? That which you don’t want anyone to do to you, if you are doing that to others, it is unrighteous. Simple definition. You don’t want anyone to steal your things and you go stealing somebody’s thing - it is unrighteous. You don’t want anyone to hurt you, so hurting others is unrighteous. In the process of growth, in the common man’s day-to-day life, one who is engaged in unrighteousness, one who does not want to retire or justifies it, one who does not let go of the negativities, one whose mind wavers too much, has not settled goes through unrighteous things. He goes through all these negative emotions. But at some time, he has to retire from that. Who has known this consciousness where knowledge dissolves, action dissolves, where death also dissolves? It is simply unknowable.
Look at the way they bring the knowledge, step by step. It is so amazing. If you say, in the very beginning itself, that God is unknowable, then it is finished. Why would
you want to study? It becomes a futile exercise. You can’t know how deep this universe is. It is unknowable, unthinkable. Then why would anybody go with a Hubble telescope and find out how many stars are there. Just say there are so many universes, which are ever expanding; and you can never know it all. Forget about it. They will have to close NASA. What is the point? It is unknowable, unreachable. No. they take you step by step. You want to know the Brahman, capture the Brahman. Even that slightest doership might cling on to your mind and try to grasp something. They say, “No, it can’t be grasped.” You can’t claim, “I know it.”