Is communication possible with someone after their death?
ЁЯМ╖ Katho Upanishad ЁЯМ╖
Chapter 2
Beyond death
ЁЯМ╗ Day 13 ЁЯМ╗
Question: Is communication possible with someone after their death?
Sri Sri: In death, only the physical body gets separated from the subtle body and casual body. Subtle body is where all impressions are. Definitely there is communication form the other side. Communication in the sense, there is a witness from there. Like you are on the hot air balloon and you can see everything happening down. You can’t do anything about the traffic. You can see there is a traffic jam, but you are in the hot balloon and you keep moving.
Question: Is there any way that we can help people in coma?
Sri Sri: Coma is a state where you lose three senses, but mentally there is alertness. You still hold on to the sense of sight and sound. And you have not left the body; you stay in that state of limbo for a long time. Some can come back from that state and feel all the senses again. It is like going in the balcony and returning back inside.
Blessing works all the time. Karma plays a big role there. Karma means all the impressions in the subtle body. It determines your next life, where you will come.
Different things work at certain different voltages. A tablet-PC works at a certain voltage. It will breakdown at a higher voltage. Similarly a bulb also works at a certain voltage. Fridge has a definite voltage, fan or torch; they work with certain
amount of electricity. With the combination of subtle body and casual body, a soul will get a certain amount of voltage, energy. When a man and woman meet at the moment of conception, the electricity, the energy that they have brings that type of soul into the planet. The union of man and woman determines which kind of soul, with what voltage will come. I mean again it is a secret, the secret of birth. When you meditate, your voltage definitely increases. When you meditate keeping in mind the departed soul, the get comfort. You can bless them, you should continue to do so.
Question: Many people are afraid of God. Why?
Sri Sri: fear of God is only in books, papers and letter. You are afraid of God because you don’t know God. If you know God, you will never be afraid. If you are scared of God, it is a concept: you are scared of yourself only. You are scared of hell and you are scared of life, losing its pleasure, you are not really scared of God.
Question: what happens when someone dies unnaturally, like in an accident or through suicide?
Sri Sri: when a soul dies in an accident, that soul lingers on for a certain time. There some prayers and rituals to make them free of that.
Suicide is like saying, “I am feeling cold,” and still removing all the jackets. It is a crazy act. It is like a child crying so hard to sleep but it can’t. You don’t know how to sleep, you want to sleep and you cry. Similarly, it is so cold and instead of putting more blankets on, you are removing clothes. This is exactly what suicide is. Suicide doesn’t get that person out of the misery for which he is committing suicide. In fact, it remains with them for longer time and they come back, they have to be born
Question: If you are rid of aversion and craving, then do you still come back?
Sri Sri: yes, then you come back out of compassion. Then you come as a free person , you come back, do something and you go back.