WEIGHT LOSS............... ANYONE???
WEIGHT LOSS............... ANYONE???
Before we begin lets get this straight: there is no magic easy button. There is no substitute for healthy food choices and body movement for effective weight loss.
Instead of looking for a magic oil to melt away the weight, let’s look at what we know about a handful of essential oils and their parent plants to see how essential oils can support our efforts.
Essential Oils for Weight Loss
Essential oils play a supportive role in so many ways. From relieving side effects of treatments to ameliorating effects of illnesses, it’s often the indirect benefits that are felt the strongest.
For weight loss, this list is just a starting point –
1. Lime
Of the well-researched citrus oils, lime in particular has had very promising results regarding weight loss.
Application: Include lime in culinary recipes, topical formulas, and diffusion blends to maximize a wide range of actions.
2. Grapefruit
Another much-loved citrus oil, grapefruit shatters one's expectations of what a weight loss tool should be. Instead of yet another thing to drink, eat, or take, grapefruit seems to be just as effective in other ways.
Using grapefruit and lavender oils as aromatherapy, nerve impulses are affected extensively, leading to fat-burning and appetite-reducing benefits.
As part of a topical blend massaged onto the abdomen, grapefruit contributes to reduced waist-circumferences and composition changes, boosting self-image.
Application: Include grapefruit in lotion and massage oil blends; diffuse before and during meals.
3. Cinnamon
The primary evaluation for cinnamon in various forms centers around diabetes itself, and cinnamon oil has been able to modify glycemic control.
For diabetics, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is paramount, and glycemic control is part of the process. For everyone else, protecting the pancreas and helping the body deal better with glucose can be beneficial for weight loss, as well.
Application: Enjoy a drop or two diffused in stimulating weight loss blends or diluted into culinary or internal preparations.
4. Peppermint
Considered a mild stimulant, peppermint has been studied for its ability to improve athletic performance and endurance.
As a digestive herb, the peppermint plant has been enjoyed with meals in many cultures and for countless generations. As an inhaled essential oil, it has another suggested digestive purpose: affecting appetite and caloric intake.
Application: Diffuse with grapefruit for a bright scent that may also brighten up your daily calorie count!
5. Cardamom
Indicated in traditional and folk uses for weight control, one suspected reason behind this may be cardamom’s gastro-protective effects. As a digestive oil, cardamom has been known to protect the stomach against ulcers and damage.
Weight loss and control begins and ends in the stomach, not only what you eat but the way your body uses it.
Application: Culinary preparations, or dilution in tea. As with all oils indicated for internal use, one or two drops at a time is more than sufficient.
6. Cumin
The whole herb, is often used to combat inflammation and diabetes.
Cumin is considered a digestive herb and essential oil, certainly worth trying out in your weight loss blends.
Application: Try cumin in culinary preparations or simply diffused as part of a blend.
7. Black Pepper
The spiral of food addiction is often part of weight management problems, especially related to sugar. Black pepper helps curb cravings.....specially sugar!
Application: Diffusion and personal inhalers.
Diffusing Blend for Weight Loss Support
Try this stimulating, appetite-curbing combination for use around workout times, when cravings hit, or during mealtimes.
Add 1 drop each in a 250 ml glass container and sip slowly:
For aromatherapy, add two drops each to a diffuser and a drop of cinnamon for good measure!
Dr Surya