The infinite consciousness which is using you as an instrument and making all these things happen in the universe, see that one in all. That is your victory. That is the victory of Brahman.
*Chapter 8 - Beyond Miracles*
*Day 37*
So many miracles happen. There are so many, plenty of them we can do but we don't get trapped or entangled in it. If it happens it happens naturally.
If someone says I am bringing out a ring or this jewellery, don't get charmed by those things. No. So many Yakshas are ready to come and do the miracles.
A siddha, a sadguru will not utilize all those things. You hear so many of the miracles that Jesus did. They are all done by Yakshas. One loaf of bread fed to so many people, and these things happen.
It happens all the time with us. There are people bringing food for four people and forty or fifty people eat that. There is plenty of food available. Things happen in a inexplicable manner.
There is no logic or reasoning for it. Especially in Russia - stanislav who is here will tell you many miracle stories from Russia. I don't go there so much but people have experiences all the time.
There are people who are diagnosed with some disease or some problems and were about to be the operation room. By chance they take another xray and find out that the whole problem has disappeared.
How many of you have heard or experienced such things? So many people have. And doctors are so confused. They say, "This report is from yesterday and this is from today. So what happened in between yesterday and today?"
How could these miracles happen? It is all possible. And it happens all the time. So don't stop anywhere keep moving. Keep moving when you are a Yogi. When you do yoga, meditation, charity and good work and have a good heart, these sort of things keep happening in abundance.
You have the ability to bless others but do not think it is your victory. Else, the same thing that happened to the devas will happen and you won't be able to lift a blade of grass.
The infinite consciousness which is using you as an instrument and making all these things happen in the universe, see that one in all.
That is your victory. That is the victory of Brahman.
That is the acceptance of Brahman. For how the Lord of mind, disarmed by the divine lady, found an answer to who this yaksha was and what truth is.