People who are dead have the capacity to bless you. You can pray to them, and you can feel their presence. They can grant you some boons, though not all. To whatever extent they are powerful, that much they can bestow blessings on you.
*Chapter 7 - The Universe Unveiled*
*Day 32*
Back on to the informal seat from the formal. So we saw the two aspects in life - one is practical things that you do and the other is ethereal things that you have to hold on to, like applied science and pure science.
In pure science there is no difference between a table, door, chair stool because they are all made up of the same material, same atoms. But for practical purposes you can't use this table as chair or the chair for a door, though they are made up of the same material.
You can't say they are all the same or they are all one. Yes they are one, yet they are different. They are one sure it's the same wood and yet they are different.
You can't sit on the door or use your seat for a door. They are all different. So we are dealing with the practical aspect till now. Now we are going to the ethereal mode. Are you ready for it?
Audience - Yes
We saw the subtle Brahman is only one, but yet it is not one. The subtle consciousness has many layers to it. The spirit is one yet spirit is not one. There are many layers to the spirit.
The whole universe is permeated by spirit, by Brahman, yet in different degrees. A stone has one unit of life. Stones have life and stones have gender.
There are male stones and there are female stones. It might appear strange to you but it's true. Even for trees they say this is a male tree and this is a female tree.
Anthropologists and biologists know that there is a male tree and a female tree. In the same way there are male stones and female stones. The ancient people of every culture knew this.
The Shilpis in India, the stone masons know how to identify which is male stone and which is female stone. The natives of Hawaii know when they find some stones that these are male stones and these are female stones.
The native Americans know and choose certain stones for their prayer program. Stones do have one unit of life. Water has two units of life, and fire there is three units of life. In the air where there are plenty of organisms, there are four units of life and space has five units of life.
Trees have got six units of life, animals have got seven units of life, human beings have got eight units of life, so they are called ashta vasu. Super human beings or geniuses have blossomed into nine units of life.
Those are people who do an extraordinary job, though it may not be positive, like Hitler. Someone who does things which are inhuman, in both senses has more units of life, nine units of life.
Then humans can develop between nine to 16 units of life. When we die we become more powerful, in some way. We go between 9-10 units of life. This is strange but true. That's why ancestors are worshipped.
The moment this body drops, the spirit becomes free and it has more access, there are no walls no doors and nobody can stop it and spirit moves around freely.
In the body you have only 8 units, you can only reach out to some. When you are 9 units have little more power. But if you die then you have access to the 9th and 10th unit, so you get more access to gauge the planet.
That's why people who are dead have the capacity to bless you. You can pray to them, and you can feel their presence. They can grant you some boons, though not all. To whatever extent they are powerful, that much they can bestow blessings on you.