Did you know that Snake Plant, aka Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is one of the most oxygen-producing houseplants and absorbs cancer-causing toxic air pollutants such as O2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene?
Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)
Did you know that Snake Plant, aka Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is one of the most oxygen-producing houseplants and absorbs cancer-causing toxic air pollutants such as O2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene?
Snake Plants with botanical name Dracaena trifasciata, also known as Sansevieria trifasciata, Saint George's sword, viper's bowstring hemp, etc., has an amusing epithet called "Mother-in-Law’s Tongue" as its leaves - sharp , pointed, or severe - is comparable to the sharp tone of the mother-in- law when she retorts to her son-in- law who illtreats her daughter. Its name as "viper's bowstring hemp", is due to the reason that it is one of the sources for plant fibers used to make bowstrings.
The snake Plant has tremedous positive qualties to be kept as house plants as it is one of the most oxygen-producing houseplants and absorbs cancer-causing toxic air pollutants such as O2, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Snake plant is thus a misnomer as it has nothing to do with snakes and there is thus no need to fear this plant.
The Snake Plants, with native range said to be in Africa, were first cultivated and kept as treasured houseplants in China because it was believed the eight gods bestowed their virtues (long life, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, poetry, health, and strength) upon those who grew the plant.
Also known by the synonym as Sansevieria trifasciata, Snake Plant, an evergreen perennial, is one of the most popular and hardy species of houseplants that features stiff leaves that range from 6 inches to 8 feet tall, depending on the species variety. Its prominet sword shaped leaves form a circular cluster. Its leaves are normally stripped dark green and light green banded in colour featuring a yellow border. The leaves contain bundles of fibres that provide strength to these elongated organs. It is a succulent plant and as such is included among the foliage plants. This species is also listed under its old horticultural name Sansevieria zeylanica.
Snake Plant is an indestructible plant which grows in part shade with low light conditions; a temperature range between 70 and 90 F degrees is best suited for the plant (below 50 F is not preferred). The soil conditions for its growth are fast-draining and sandier soil with ph slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. During the growing season, the palnt is fed with a mild cactus fertilizer. It can be divided easily during repotting. Alternatively, new shoots that emerge from the soil can be taken and potted independently. Cuttings can also be made, but it is much easier to rely on division. It blooms in spring, though very rarely, and with greenish-white flowers. The plant is moderately toxic to people, dogs, and cats.
As an ornamental plant, it is grown outdoors in warmer climates, and indoors as a houseplant in cooler climates. It is popular as a houseplant because it is tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering; during winter it needs only one watering every couple of months. It will rot easily if overwatered.
Scientific studies have indicated its potential to filter indoor air particuarly formaldehyde and benzene from the air. It is stated to remove 4 of the 5 main toxins involved in the effects of sick building syndrome.
Snake plants are known to have 70 different varieties but the most listed species are the following.
- Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii' (bird's nest snake plant) grows to only about 6 inches tall. Its clusters of leaves form a cluster resembling a bird's nest.
- Sansevieria cylindrica (cylinder snake plant) has round, stiff leaves that can reach several feet in length. The leaves arch outward from a central crown.
- Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii' (variegated snake plant) has creamy yellow leaf margins. To propagate this plant, it must be divided rather than propagated from leaf cuttings.
- Sansevieria trifasciata 'Twist' has twisted leaves that are striped horizontally with yellow variegated edges. It grows to about 14 inches tall.
- Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bantel’s Sensation' grows to around 3 feet tall and has narrow leaves with white vertical stripes.
- Sansevieria desertii, sometimes called rhino grass, grows to around 12 inches with succulent red-tinted leaves.
- Narasipur Char