The origin, or root, of creation is sound. The whole world has been created from sound. The world in your mind is created from sound, is it not? That is why we have to quiet the mind with the help of sound.
Chapter 12 - The Body Is A Temple
Day 63
Do an experiment one day. When your mind is dull or bored, take something and give it to someone. Your mind will change. Have you observed this?
Give something, maybe a blanket or a quilt, to someone in need, or if this is not possible, then give a few kind words.
Only when you give more, will you be able to receive more, but do not give with the intention of getting more. Then it is not a gift at all.
So make a decision to give and give a noble gift. There is a saying, which is very common here. "If we are happy today, it may be from some good deeds done by our ancestors. Our elders did good deeds, and that is why we are well off today."
The benefit of the good work we do, the religious acts we perform and the gifts we give is not limited only to us, but extends to future generations. That is why this saying is so common.
If you just collect different things and give them away for business, you will not be completely contented. Have you thought about why they say that you will gain punya, or merit, only if you give?
Imagine that someone comes to you with an empty stomach, and you give him something to eat. That person will feel satisfied, and then the spirit in that person will bless you - "Oh. This person has given me food. May he be happy."
The positive feelings and relief that arise in his mind will bring satisfaction to your life. Do you understand? Just like the cool shade of a tree offers comfort and rest for the body, whenever a soul finds freedom, it offers blessings, and that is merit.
The merit of giving small things is not great. What is higher is the gift of knowledge. What happens when knowledge is given? A person comes out of his misery and uplifts himself up.
The soul, which is suffering everyday in the same condition, will feel free, as though it has been released and found liberation. A person in jail will feel great joy on getting released.
He is like a bird trapped in a cage. The bird will be so happy when it is released from the cage. Similarly, every soul is searching for knowledge. When your life is over, you will face only two questions.
How much did you love in your life and how much knowledge did you apply in your life? How much knowledge have you gained? How much have you learned about your own self?
To how many people have you shown love? This is sadhana, and this is what is meant by. Then, whatever a person does or gives, will give rise to self-knowledge.
Seen from another angle, in an enlightened person, you can see self knowledge in every action and every gift he gives. With a mantra, knowledge spreads throughout the body and the consciousness.
What is the use of the mantra? It affects three things - the self, the consciousness and the mind. We call it mantra snana, bathing in mantras. How do you feel when you sing bhajans?
It is as good as taking a bath. People have slightly misunderstood the idea that a mantra should be repeated constantly. They have taken it to mean that they have to chant, "Rama, Rama," all day and night.
If you do it this way, the mind will become dull because the consciousness will not be awake. While they are chanting, "Rama, Rama, the mind is thinking about what work needs to be done, but they end up not remembering to do anything else.
This is not what is meant by "constant." We have misunderstood it. "Keep bathing" does not mean to bathe all day or staying in the bathroom for 24 hours.
Similarly, if someone tells you to brush your teeth every day, it does not mean to brush your teeth all day. When we brush our teeth every day, we are brushing them constantly and without interruption, right?
Similarly, if we hear "remember constantly," it means remember every day and let that thought stay in your mind. This is the use of a mantra. Everything is born from mantra.
The origin, or root, of creation is sound. The whole world has been created from sound. The world in your mind is created from sound, is it not? That is why we have to quiet the mind with the help of sound.
When you sit and sing bhajans at least once a week that is bathing in mantras. If you go to satsang every day, that is even better. Join together with three or four people and do it every day. If you do it alone, then you lack the strength of the group.
The energy of the group can uplift everyone, whether people are at a lower or higher level. Consider how a necklace is made with beads. A thread can pass through the beads only if there is empty space inside.
If it is full, it is filled with ignorance. Being empty is knowledge. Similarly, when the mind is empty, pure consciousness enters into it.
This is why Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "You are all the pearls. I am only the thread." All planets and their satellites are pearls.
The principles of space and consciousness have entered into everything and made them into a necklace. Similarly, all bodies, all of you, are pearls.
The consciousness, which is present in the body, is me. I am like the string. There is no use just having a thread. The thread cannot become a necklace without pearls, and the pearls are useless without the thread.
But when the thread and pearls come together, it becomes a necklace. So, value the body, the world, the self, the mind and the breath.