When you abide in your very nature, you are enlightened. It's not an achievement. It is your very nature; simple, innocent,full of feeling, joy and consciousness. You are one with Infinity. You are in fact, nobody, truly nobody. That's what Ashtavakra says. एवमेव कृतं येन स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ ।
🌿Chapter - 30🌿
~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~
🌱 Day - 175 🌱
एवमेव कृतं येन स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ ।
एवमेव स्वभावो यः स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ ।
In the one in whom this is just the nature, by his very nature is really fortunate. Svabhavo, one who has attained this is really fortunate. What do we think is fortunate in the world? Who do we think are fortunate? Do we think that those who have a lot of money are very fortunate? How is it fortunate for them? They are very nervous of what others would do to them to take away their wealth. They don't have friends. It is very difficult for them to have friends because they don't know whether anybody's friendship is genuine or not. Many wealthy people stay in isolation, because they are so afraid of people. What is the use of such wealth? People who do not have any wealth think that wealthy people are very fortunate.
Wealthy people think people who are healthy are fortunate. A person may be very wealthy, but he is unable to eat even bread with butter because of cholesterol problem. So he has to eat dry toast. He cannot have sugar or sweets. He puts saccharine in his tea. So he does not consider himself to be fortunate. He thinks healthy people are fortunate. What do healthy people think? They may be very healthy, but may think that people who have much possessions, power or abilities are fortunate. Then, again some people may feel that those who can sing or dance very well and famous are fortunate. Such people may develop an inferiority complex, thinking they have no wealth or abilities, and may consider themselves very unfortunate, less fortunate. This is an illusion.
Who is really fortunate? People who are joyful are really fortunate - not just seemingly joyful, but joyful from the very inner core of their hearts i.e. people, who live his state of 'nobody-ness'. Nobody is walking, nobody is running, nobody is eating, nobody is talking, and nobody is doing everything. Nobody is doing everything! Nobody is listening. Who is listening? Nobody is listening. Nobody talks and nobody listens! That is being fortunate. A person who does not have to acquire this, but it comes naturally to them, by their very nature, is very, very fortunate. This is very beautiful.
'Brhama-hood' is nothing to be acquired, or achieved. It is your very nature. If one is trying to rise to Brhama consciousness, he is a fool, because he thinks it is something to be achieved - separate from him. That it's not his nature. Enlightenment is one's very nature. Un-enlightenment is just like the shell around the peanut. Are you enlightened or un-enlightened? Un-enlightenment is the shell around enlightenment. This is your very nature. Somewhere deep in you, you are enlightened, but you are acting as though you are un-enlightened.
When you abide in your very nature, you are enlightened. It's not an achievement. It is your very nature; simple, innocent,full of feeling, joy and consciousness. You are one with Infinity. You are in fact, nobody, truly nobody. That's what Ashtavakra says. एवमेव कृतं येन स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ ।