That comfort, that sense of belongingness, that sense of oneness with the Divine is what can take you across safely.
๐ฟChapter - 23๐ฟ
~ Stepping Into The Big Mind ~
๐ฑ Day - 132 ๐ฑ
The Divine also feels a pinch if the children are not happy. So the best puja, the best form of worship, is to be happy and grateful. But, if you are not happy (despite your intention to be happy), how do you overcome that? Dance, sing, meditate, and dissolve. The mind settles down if you do these instead of encouraging on your sadness. You are adding manure to the seed of sadness that has arisen in you by blaming yourself. Or, you may think that the others are bad. Then you are adding manure that will make the anger grow in you. When the others are bad towards you, you are angry. And when you are bad, you are sad. Go deep into that sadness, and you will see that it is nothing but a longing. And that very longing with tears is nothing but love, and that love is nothing but gratefulness. Gratefulness is nothing but your very Being. The same emotion flows in, and takes you to a completely different bank; a completely different dimension. When you feel sad, go into the sadness. When you feel it is all love, go deep into it. It is all gratefulness and joy. The same river touches the other bank, which is green and so beautiful. Cross this river of life, and move to the other bank.
However, we do it the other way around. We may be in love with somebody, and feel a pain. We may get frustrated with the pain. Because of the frustration, we will start grumbling, and then we will get angry. With the anger will come hatred. And then we will feel bad. Anchoring in love, we become jealous and possessive. Then, all the negativity flows to the other shore. That shore is heaven. This shore is hell. Life flows between these two shores. Cross over to the other shore, on the boat knowledge, cross over where you belong; from where you have come. Your abode is there. Your home is there. It is waiting. The father, the mother, and the beloved is waiting right there with open arms for you. Everything is ready there for you. That is your original place. That comfort, that sense of belongingness, that sense of oneness with the Divine is what can take you across safely. You can't tie your boat on this shore. It's not your home. You can't be comfortable here at all. One day or another, you have to get back to your home. That's what Ashtavakra is doing.