letting go the effort. The main point of this is feeling the body, letting go of the effort and experiencing the infinity - harmonizing oneself with the infinity
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🌀CHAPTER - 10🌀
~ The Eight Limbs Of Yoga ~
🌀DAY - 91🌀
" स्थिरसुखमासनम् "
" Sthira sukham aasanam. "
Patanjali mentioned all the yamas and niyamas.
Now what is asana? Sthira sukham asanam - Asana is that which is steady and comfortable. Normally, when you are comfortable, you're not steady. You will not be sitting erect. But when you are erect, you will be so stiff that you will not be comfortable. But when you are in asana, you are erect, steady and at the same time comfortable. Sthira sukham asanam.
And what is the effect of asana?
" प्रयत्नशैथिल्यानन्तसमापत्तिभ्याम् "
" Prayatna shaithilya ananta samaapattibhyaam. "
प्रयत्नशैथिल्य - letting go the effort. The main point of this is feeling the body, letting go of the effort and experiencing the infinity - harmonizing oneself with the infinity. We do this while doing asanas. Have you noticed that when you do asanas with total awareness, you feel totally spaced out later. प्रयत्नशैथिल्य is to let go of the effort and sit in a comfortable posture - sukham asanam pleasurable. You feel that it is a pleasure just to be; just to sit. This is sukha. Sukha means pleasure. Have you ever sat steadily feeling that it is wonderful just to be; just to sit? If you do it once, you will see how it feels. प्रयत्नशैथिल्य is letting go of all the effort and feeling the infinity.
What is the effect of this? What does it do?
" ततो द्धन्द्धानभिघातः "
" Tato dwandwa anabhighaatah. "
It strikes at the duality or the conflicts in you. It roots them out.
द्धन्द्धानभिघातः You should do asana whenever you are confused and your mind is in conflict. Sit in an asana and there will be clarity right away. The effect of an asana is clearing out all conflicts and dualities.