Juglans regia Hindi-Akhrot/Khor,Kannada-Akrotu/Akshota,Tamil-Akkarottu,Telugu-Akrottu,Sanskrit-Akhota/Karparala/Parvatiya/Akshota,Popular-European walnut/Black Sea walnut/Carpathian walnut/Common walnut Juglandaceae
Juglans regia (Hindi-Akhrot/Khor,Kannada-Akrotu/Akshota,Tamil-Akkarottu,Telugu-Akrottu,Sanskrit-Akhota/Karparala/Parvatiya/Akshota,Popular-European walnut/Black Sea walnut/Carpathian walnut/Common walnut)Juglandaceae.Syn-J.orientalis,J.fallasa.It is a deciduous medium sized to tall tree that can reach upto 45 m tall.Leaves are alternate,pinnate, leaflets ovate-lanceolate, margins irregularly serrated.Flower is pale yellow,10 stamens.Fruit is globose or slightly ridged,3.5-5 cm in diameter.It is native to Asia and Europe.However,it was widely naturalized elsewhere in temperate regions and was widely cultivated.It is a crop of economic importance to the food industry.It is globally popular and valued for its nutritional and health attributes.It has antioxidant, antibacterial,anti inflammatory, antifungal, antidiabetic, antiparasitic, anthelmintic, antihypertensive,antihyperlipidemic, hepatoprotective, neuroprotective, insecticidal, analgesic, anticancer (colon,breast, prostate,skin and lung cancers),blood purifier,wound healing, anticonvulsant,anxiolytic, antidepressant, memory enhancer, antimutagenic,antiulcerogenic, and gastroprotective activities.The phytoconstituents are alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids, glycosides, saponins, polyphenols, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, steroids and other nutritional analysis of the kernels revealed that it contains carbohydrates,starch, dietary fiber, saturated fat, protein, vitamins B-complex,A,C,E,K, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals like K,P,Ca,Mg,Na,Fe,Cu,Mn,Zn and Al.Traditionally,the kernels are used for the treatment of diabetes, asthma,cancers,liver damage, malaria, arthritis, toothache, inflammation,etc.,by the folk of different countries.The stem bark is dried and used as a tooth cleaner and whitener.Decoction of leaves and bark is used with alum for staining wool brown.In Kashmir Himalaya, the leaves are used as mosquito repellent,lice killer and to treat itching, chronic dysentery and frost bite.Fruits are used as brain tonic, aphrodisiac and to treat constipation and rheumatism.The oil is used against dandruff, muscular pain, to improve eye sight and as memory enhancer.Roots are used in hair fall,tooth decay and wounds.In Turkish folk medicine, fresh leaves are applied on the naked body or forehead to reduce fever or on swollen joints to relieve rheumatic pain.In Iranian traditional medicine,kernel has been used to treat inflammatory bowel disease.The wood is of very good quality and is used to make furniture and other items.
– Mukherjee Bk