Gymnema sylvestre Hindi-Gudmar/Medhashingi/Gurmar ,Sanskrit-Ajaballi/Vishani/Madhunasini, Kannada-Sannagera/Kadhasige, Tamil-Adigani/Ayagam/Kogilam, Marathi-Kavali/Bedaki, Oriya-Meshasringi Urdu-Gurmar, Popular-Small Indian Ipecacuanha Apocynaceae
Fruiting in Gymnema sylvestre (Hindi-Gudmar/Medhashingi/Gurmar ,Sanskrit-Ajaballi/Vishani/Madhunasini, Kannada-Sannagera/Kadhasige, Tamil-Adigani/Ayagam/Kogilam, Marathi-Kavali/Bedaki, Oriya-Meshasringi Urdu-Gurmar, Popular-Small Indian Ipecacuanha)Apocynaceae. The plant holds importance since ancient times and gaining popularity in the present scenario. It has gained popularity for its ability to treat diabetes for nearly two millenmia. It is a large climber. Leaves are elliptic, narrow tipped, smooth above and velvety beneath. In diabetes, a few leaves are chewed or a little amount of leaf powder be taken with honey or cow's milk. In tea form, it offers the best results. In inflammations and wounds, leaf paste is applied.In snake bites, the grounded roots in water should be drunk as well as applied on the bitten area. The herbal extract reduces body weight, blood cholesterol and triglycerides. It is a very good dietary and health supplement in food industry as health tablets, beverages, tea bags, energy supplements and in food items which regulate body weight. Daily dose of 200 mg is optimal in weight management. It has antidiabetic, antibacterial, anti inflammatory, anticancer, hepatoprotective, wound healing, digestive, emetic, laxative, antipyretic, immunomodulatory, diuretic, stimulant, stomachic, uterine tonic and cardiotonic activities. It is used in the treatment of diabetes, jaundice, constipation, bronchitis, leucoderma, dyspepsia, snake bites, wounds, inflammations, piles,,colic pains, dropsy, phlegm, eye trouble, cardiac and respiratory disorders, conjunctivitis and renal calculi.
– Mukherjee Bk