Gurudev, do you think world citizens are closer or further from the virtues of trust and compassion with the advent of modern technology and entertainment?
Question - Gurudev, do you think world citizens are closer or further from the virtues of trust and compassion with the advent of modern technology and entertainment?
Gurudev Sri Sri - You must know that there are a lot of people in the world who have not even seen a cell phone, or a television, so you can't generalise this. As I said, if you move around the world you will find different types of people. They are people who are living in the 17th century even now. But one thing is common with everybody, love, compassion and a sense of belongingness. In fact, it is much more in the rural areas, in those remote areas of the planet where they don't have any access to media. They have that humanism, they have the human values. They connect with people, there is sincerity in them.